- Who is Nassim Haramein ?
- Who am I ?
- What is space-time ?
- Unity, from ether to space
- Thoughts + emotions = mental
- The story of Jill Bolte Taylor
- The story of Eben Alexander
- The principle of vibration
- The principle of rhythm
- The principle of polarity
- The principle of mentalism
- The principle of correspondence
- The principle of cause and effect
- The law of attraction: physical gravity, mental gravity
- The law of attraction : How does it work in practice ?
- The holographic universe: the underlying unity
- The gender principle
- The fractal and holographic universe
- The conscious experience
- The black body and the ultraviolet catastrophy
- The « strange loop » of consciousness
- Synchronicities: examples of communication at quantum level
- Synchronicities, from philosophy to physics
- Synchronicities, a resonance with the unconscious
- Synchronicities & quantum entanglement
- Source and implications of zero-point energy (ZPE)
- Quantum physics and reality
- Quantum gravity and Schwarzschild proton
- Quantum consciousness
- Quantum Biology
- Physics and metaphysics
- Paris, November 13
- Observer & quantum physics
- Objectivity, the blind spot of science
- Nassim Haramein : conferences and interviews
- My quantum life : why did I wrote this blog ?
- Movement & perception
- MeToo, the other butterfly effect
- Is your brain really necessary?
- Is the universe deterministic ? 2/2
- Is the universe deterministic ? 1/2
- Irreversibility, memory & entropy
- Indeterminism & quantum entanglement
- How to get out of the mental 2
- How do we learn ?
- Hermetic principles and geometry
- Gravity, entropy & self-organization
- Get out of the mental 1
- From renormalization to fractals
- From quantum vacuum to matter
- From chaos to interdependence
- Feminine, masculine, connected universe
- Energy is commnunication
- Does free will exist ?
- Communication between light and shadow
- Chaotic systems
- Brain, science and consciousness
- Act 3 : A stroke under the sign of grace
- Act 2 : With a valiant heart, nothing is impossible
- Act 1 : A storm in my meninges