Who am I?
NOVEMBER 11, 2018 (updated on November 13, 2023)
I am an explorer of consciousness and the way our universe works. Nevertheless my life is ordinary: I am a spouse, I have a little girl, a job, a blog … As the title of one of Pema Chödrön’s books puts it so well, “the path begins where you are” [1]. The path is available in our daily lives, no matter where we are. In fact, it’s the only place and time it is available.
To get to know me better, I invite you to explore this blog. There are two paths open to you :
- Reading what makes me special. You can discover what led me to open this blog or browse the Personal experience category. You will find slices of life that I wish to share because I find them beautiful, improbable, inspiring or even rich in meaning…
- Or you can explore what we have in common. But you might get in touch with yourself in a new way ! Because you are – we are – specific beings only half the time. Who are we the other half, you might ask ? We are the pooling of our individual specificities and interpretations. This is called quantum vacuum.
Do you feel like you’ve left the ordinary world ?! Rather, you are perhaps in presence of an unusual piece of information [2] ! You can learn more about the relationship between the “ordinary world” and the quantum vacuum by visiting the Connected universe theme.
For a new consensus
Diving into this reading could be an interesting experience because you might realize that :
- Each individual interpretation is taken into account : each of us participates in the advancement of consciousness and complexity of the universe.
- We are 100% responsible for the information we send out at any moment into the quantum vacuum.
- If the experience we live does not always correspond to the one we want, it is because it is entangled with the interpretation that others have of their own experience.
The reality of our world is only a consensus. It changes as our interpretation changes. And this is directly related to our state of consciousness and our knowledge of how the universe works. This means that we can consciously participate in the creation of a new consensus… 🙂
Notes & references
[1] CHÖDRÖN Pema, La voie commence là où vous êtes, Paris : Ed. Pocket, 2004, free translation
[2] See the article How do we learn? on this subject
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