The butterfly effect
Does the butterfly effect boil down to “small causes produce big effects”? Things are a little more complex… but not that complicated! The butterfly effect is intimately linked to chaos theory, and chaos means order!
I invite you to discover the great love story of order and chaos. Best read in order 😉
1- Chaotic systems: let’s start at the beginning, with the history of the physics of chaotic systems, from Henri Poincaré to Edward Lorenz.
2- From chaos to interdependence: when chaos theory resonates with Nassim Haramein’s theory of the connected universe, a different order of things emerges…
3- Irreversibility, memory & entropy: classical thermodynamics teaches us that the tendency of energy is to move from order to disorder. Yet experience shows that irreversibility is actually a source of coherence in the universe…
4- Gravity, entropy & self-organization: I explore the possibility of reconciling the increase in entropy predicted by the second law of thermodynamics with the increase in self-organization in the universe…
5- #MeToo, the other butterfly effect: when chaos theory is applied to psychology, we discover the dynamics of the MeToo movement, its tipping point and its resonances…