Quantum biology
DECEMBER 27, 2018 (updated on November 17, 2023)
Table of contents
Biology leads us straight to my experience ! During the aneurysm rupture that shook me, my mental stopped. This had the effect of making me perceive consciousness directly at heart level, where I felt the presence. Therefore my fear has been deactivated. My perception of reality has changed. In fact, everything happened as if, in the absence of mental, I had felt all the power of my heart being revealed. Whereas in “normal” times, it is masked by the false identity of the mental which believes itself to be the only master on board.
In the presence, I could feel information flowing into my heart. In fact, I’ve had a whole new awareness of how information flows between heart and brain.
These organs are both single and dual, with two ventricles for the heart and two hemispheres for the brain. While there is a troubling similarity in their structure, they also have special connections. A lot narrower than we’d think. Two scientific perspectives helped me understand their relationship and how it manifested itself in my experience.
The first is the one of Heartmath Institute. It emphasizes that the heart has access to information before any other organ in the body, including the brain. The second is that of the physicist Nassim Haramein, which is in line with the work of this institute. His theory gives the heart the first role, while also establishing a specific link between meninges and consciousness.
What is intelligence of the heart?
The heart has its own brain
The Heartmath Institute is a clinical and scientific research center founded in 1991 and based in the United States. Its founder, Doc Childre, is a pioneer in the development of tools to facilitate stress reduction and resilience. In 2005, he published a book with Howard Martin entitled The Intuitive Intelligence of the Heart [1], in which their research is presented:
“There is now scientific evidence that the heart sends us emotional and intuitive signals to help us manage our lives. Instead of simply pumping blood, it directs and aligns several body systems so that they can work in harmony with each other. And, although the heart is in constant communication with the brain, we now know that it makes many of its own decisions.”
The heart has at least forty thousand neurons and its own nervous system. In other words, it has its own “brain”. In fact, the heart is the only organ in the body that has the property of sending more information to the brain than it receives. Are you still wondering if the brain drives the heart? It seems to be the other way around! Thus, depending on the circumstances, the heart may decide to inhibit or activate certain parts of the brain. This could change our perception of reality.
The heart can also reduce the activity of the sympathetic nervous system by:
- lowering the heart rate,
- decreasing the contraction of the blood vessels,
- decreasing the secretion of stress hormones.
Finally, it has the ability to increase the activity of the parasympathetic nervous system and, consequently, relax the body’s internal systems. [3]
Follow the rhythm of the heart!
The heart is the organ that generates the body’s most important electromagnetic field. The institute’s research director, Rollin McCraty, talks about printed information on this field, which affects the whole body. Thus, when the rhythm of the heartbeat is consistent – that is, regular and orderly – it drives and synchronizes the rhythms of the brain, nervous system, glands and organs. The scientist explains:
“When we take the pulse, what we feel is the pressure wave created by the heartbeat. It’s not the blood flow, it’s the pressure wave. Every time the heart beats, this pressure wave travels to the brain and through the body. In the brain, this pressure wave synchronizes all the neurons (…). Heart coherence is the optimal physiological state that promotes learning and performance and facilitates the body’s natural regenerative processes.”
Rollin McCraty conducted a series of studies on the electrophysiology of intuition. These are the electrical and electrochemical phenomena that occur at the level of neurons when a person, not having consciously access to information, appeals to her intuition.
In this case, the aim was to compare a participant’s prediction with the image he was asked to guess and which was not actually presented to him until a few seconds later. This image could be at either end of the emotional spectrum. It was randomly assigned by a computer after the participant’s physiological data was recorded by sensors. The activity of the waves of heart and brain, as well as the interactions between these two organs, were thus studied in the individual.
Intuitive information

The results showed that the body, and primarily the heart, predicted the image. And not only did the heart predict the image, but the message it sent to the brain varied according to the emotional content of the image to come.
Rollin McCraty summed it up this way: “The [heart] responds in a way that [can] predict a future event if that event is emotional and meaningful to the person…. The flow of this intuitive information is heart – brain – body. And we need a response from the body to become aware of the information. This fundamentally changes our understanding of how the human heart works. It’s as if the heart, and then the brain, have access to a field of information that is not limited by time and space… We’re really starting to have ways now to show that we do have an energetic system.” [5]
Heart and consciousness
The role of the meninges
Nassim Haramein’s work is also in line with these experiments. According to him, the heart is even the organ that embodies the singularity of biology. And, as such, it is the first center to process the information that reaches us:
“The crystal of a radio is set to a certain frequency that allows you to listen to a specific radio station. In the body, if the brain is the radio antenna, the control button is the heart. It defines the frequency of information received through the rhythm of your body’s fluid dynamics, which can be altered by your emotional states.”
Thus, the more we are in peace with our emotions, the clearer and more subtle this information will be. The antenna of the brain, located at the level of the meninges, allows this organ to receive information. Precisely, according to him, it is the water molecules constituting the cerebrospinal fluid that play this role, due to their tetrahedral structure – the tetrahedron being the fundamental geometric “building brick” of the universe.
Water is a vector of information

This is in line with the work of French scientist Marc Henry [7], water specialist, for whom “water is the primordial substance presiding over life (…). It represents 70% of a cell’s mass. But if we count the objects, i.e. the number of molecules present in a cell, then the cell is made of 99% water.” [8]
Water would then be the medium that would transmit information from the quantum vacuum to our physiology. Thus, for him, the human being is an open system in constant relation with information coming from the vacuum. He explains that “thanks to water, our cells can read [quantum information]. They are always changing and we are never the same” [9]. Better, he believes that “we must not only put water at the heart of life, but also at the center of the debate on consciousness. If we are essentially made of water, it necessarily plays a role in the emergence of our psychic capacities.” [10]
Quantum information
I see it this way: the heart and the brain are two information processing centers. They allow us to be aware of ourselves and to experience our reality. Because everything communicates through energy circuits and a feedback loop, the heart receives information from quantum vacuum. It transmits them to the brain, which in return transfers to it our specific interpretation of the universe. Then the heart feeds it back to the quantum vacuum in a continuous feedback loop.
But we would probably have a very different consciousness and experience if mental – that is, thoughts and emotions – were not so present. Because, to return to my experience, it was when my thoughts and emotions stopped that I was able to access a larger field of information. I was able to access the presence through the “gravitational singularity” of my heart. As Nassim Haramein explains:
“If you go inward, deeper and deeper, then hopefully more radiation will occur because there is a direct feedback relationship between the internal gravitational field and the external expansion of the electromagnetic field.”
Indeed, the expansion was immediate in my case: it manifested itself in the right and proper sequence of events.

There are several fields of information in the universe – all interconnected – that encode the memory of all systems. They make shapes, from atoms to galaxies, molecules, crystals, cells, organisms, societies, behaviors, ecosystems, planetary system, solar system, etc. They are the basis of our society.
Morphic resonance...
Biologist Rupert Sheldrake calls these different fields of information morphic fields, or morphogenetic fields. According to him, the energy present in the universe is structured, literally shaped by these different fields of information. Up to the point of creating physical reality, in a dynamic of feedback. In other words, we influence these fields as much as they influence us. Rupert Sheldrake talks about morphic resonance. This implies a transmission of formative causal influences through space and time.
In fact, the more frequently a form is materialized, the more memory that accumulates in the information field of that form is enhanced. Thus, everything that is emitted within the information field of a system consolidates its memory. This influences everything that resonates with this system, with a direct proportional effect to the number of times the emission has been made. Thus each system acquires a collective memory through the process of morphic resonance. And the new systems will develop under the influence of the previous similar systems thanks to this resonance.
...and quantum vacuum
“(…) How morphic resonance works? (…) Several suggestions are possible. One is that the transfer of information takes place under the action of an “implicit order”, as proposed by the physicist David Bohm (…). Another possibility: resonance passes through the quantum vacuum field, mediator of all quantum and electromagnetic processes.”
I suggest you to explore these two possibilities by reading the following articles:
- The holographic universe, which explains David Bohm’s theory.
- The unified field theory, based on the quantum vacuum, in which Nassim Haramein talks about memory of the universe.
Key points
- The heart has access to information before any other organ in the body, including the brain.
- The heart is in constant communication with the quantum vacuum, from which it receives information and transmits it back.
- We influence the field of information as much as it influences us, by resonance.
Notes & references
[1] DOC CHILDE et MARTIN Howard, L’intelligence intuitive du cœur, la solution Hearthmath [The intuitive intelligence of the heart, the Hearthmath solution], Québec : Editions Ariane, 2005, free translation
[2] Ibid, p.5, free translation
[3] You can also consult the article on the Principle of rhythm, which proposes another model for the heart, based in particular on the work of Frank Chester.
[4] McCRATY Rollin. (April 19, 2012), Le cerveau du cœur [The brain of the heart] [vidéo]
[5] Ibid.
[6] HARAMEIN Nassim, quoted by International Space Federation FR
[7] Marc Henry is an engineer, associate researcher at the CNRS, director of the solid state molecular chemistry laboratory and professor of inorganic chemistry at the University of Strasbourg (France).
[8] HENRY Marc. (january-february 2011), Interview with Marc Henry, In : Nexus n°72, pp.57-58, free translation
[9] Ibid., free translation
[10] HENRY Marc. (november 10, 2014), quoted by Myriam Gablier, L’eau, passeuse de conscience [Water, the transmitter of consciousness], In : INREES – Inexploré, free translation
[11] HARAMEIN Nassim, Nassim Haramein at Rogue Valley Metaphysical Library (1) [Vidéo]
[12] SHELDRAKE Rupert, Réenchanter la science, Paris : Editions Albin Michel, 2013, free translation
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