Consciousness & energy
Energy and consciousness are necessary and sufficient for the co-creation of physical existence. In other words, there is a permanent synergistic interaction between energy and consciousness at all scales of the universe.
The articles in this theme invite you to delve into the physics and metaphysics that underlie all phenomena…
1- Physics & metaphysics: where standard physics studies only energy, matter and motion, Nassim Haramein’s unified field theory adds consciousness. This physicist seems to have understood that physics stems from metaphysics, and that the two are part of a feedback loop…
2- Energy is communication: The universe is energy-consciousness, and more precisely, a fractal and holographic phenomenon that evolves thanks to the synergic interaction of energy and consciousness. Energy follows consciousness and makes it evolve in return…
3- Communication between light and shadow: Light and shadow have shaped the experience of the universe, and our own here on earth, since the dawn of time. This simple expression – the dawn of time – says a lot about our relationship with darkness… What if we looked at darkness differently?