Physics & metaphysics
FEBRUARY 7, 2023 (updatetd on March 21, 2024)
Table of contents
If I were asked what the universe is made of, I would spontaneously talk about consciousness and information. Energy would not come very far, and it would be appropriate to bring it into the equation. Indeed, it is energy that allows the exchange of information in the universe, an exchange that is essential for the advancement of consciousness. One could say that energy and consciousness are necessary and sufficient for the permanent co-creation of physical and metaphysical existence. Or that there is a synergistic interaction between energy and consciousness at all scales.
Standard physics only studies energy, matter and motion, but Nassim Haramein‘s unified field theory adds consciousness. In fact, this physicist seems to have understood that physics stems from metaphysics, and that the two are self-sustaining.
Precisely, his theory gives another point of view on the paradoxes and other oddities that are at the basis of standard physics. In this series of articles, we will thus approach differently the isolated systems, the renormalization of infinity, the rotation of celestial objects in an apparently frictionless environment since the big bang. We will question the existence of dark matter and dark energy, vacuum, time, space… So many new interpretations that arise from consciousness and its link with energy.
Consciousness is first
To seek an interpretation or an explanation of the universe and what composes it is the same as exploring consciousness. We cannot escape consciousness. Because consciousness is first [1].
However, consciousness also emerges in the universe thanks to a specific energetic dynamic. Consciousness is first and it emerges in the universe? This may seem paradoxical… unless we remove two sources of confusion. The first one is to consider consciousness only from the point of view of the Ego. As human beings who experience awareness as soon as we come into the world, we tend to think that consciousness emerges in our perception. This is true, but it is very reductive for consciousness.
Second source of confusion: we can also think that our mental is nothing other than our consciousness itself.
Energy allows consciousness to experience itself
Only experience can help us to remove these confusions. At least that’s my point of view since the expansion of consciousness I experienced in 2013. My consciousness was synchronized with my mental and its linear functioning, until a physiological pressure – a ruptured aneurysm – took it out of this mechanistic process. Then it shifted into an immensely larger space, as if it was regaining a natural flow, to which my perception had never had access before. Thus, I became aware for a moment of the vastness of my consciousness, and especially of its primacy [2].
In a more general way, experience induces a differential of consciousness through which the latter progresses. From this point of view, consciousness only makes sense in experience. On the other hand, from the point of view of presence [3] – the state in which I found myself during the expansion of my consciousness – the differential induced by experience no longer exists [4].
Presence is like consciousness that would not know itself through experience. Only the experience allows to act, through the movement that generates the differentials of consciousness… and therefore of experiences. One could say that experience is the foundation of awareness.
What does energy have to do with it? Well, energy allows the experience of consciousness. Until the emergence of self-awareness, and eventually the realization that consciousness is primary and underlies its own experience.
The question of the observer
The observer in physics and metaphysics
“In physics, an observer is a hypothetical person with instruments for measuring space and time, observing from her frame of reference the experiments that take place at different locations in space (…) In quantum physics, the conditions for measuring the observer are, in addition, subject to the postulates of quantum mechanics, including the principle of indeterminacy.” [5]
In metaphysics, an observer is a conscious being. But he is not necessarily aware of being aware… !
To the question “must one be aware of oneself in order to be able to observe or observe in order to become aware of oneself?” the metaphysician will answer: both. Before adding a subtlety. According to him, there are indeed two categories of observers: the spectator and the observer who is aware that he is observing. The first one considers himself as without influence – perhaps even as objective – whereas the second one is conscious of observing the universe from a subjective point of view [6], of interpreting it and of participating in it.
From observer to player
The discoveries of quantum physics have initiated an important reflection on the place of the observer and its link with consciousness. Until then, what we knew about physics had never led to this questioning. Indeed, at our scale, classical objects behave in a regular and predictive way, giving us for example the right to think that if we leave a room, the objects it contains will still be there when we come back. It is as if things continue whether we observe them or not. Thus the influence of observation can escape us.
On the other hand, at the quantum level, we cannot say anything like that. When we do not observe, there is a lack of knowledge; then, several realities are possible. This is what is called quantum superposition. From the moment we observe, the superposition collapses, leaving only one reality.
What do the two scales have in common? Consciousness.
The observer, in the metaphysical sense of the term – the only one that is finally valid since consciousness is first – has an influence on the advancement of complexity and consciousness in the universe. In return, the universe has an influence on him. As soon as the consciousness of the observer changes, he no longer observes his environment in the same way, which in turn influences the consciousness with which he perceives. Thus, his interpretation is directly linked to his consciousness at the time he observes.
Thus each observer being completely involved in the construction of reality, it would probably be more accurate to speak of players. Players are finally the very condition of existence of the playground, thanks to their consciousness.
The player and what happens in the universe are one and the same
According to the unified field theory, consciousness is a feedback between our inner and outer worlds.
It is from the structure of the double torus that Nassim Haramein began to understand why and how consciousness emerges by feedback.
“To be self-aware, you have to know that you exist. This requires a feedback. The structure of the double torus allows this feedback between what comes from the outside and what returns to the inside, informing the vacuum, then going back to the outside. And when it returns to the outside, the vacuum informs us of the result of the information present in it. It is an exchange between our internal understanding and the experience of the universe, and the relation of all the understandings gathered in the vacuum affecting ours. So we don’t create our reality, we co-create it with everyone else.”
The universe uses a feedback loop to observe itself at all scales. It actually observes itself through all the conscious beings that evolve within it. More precisely, it is the fundamental level of who we are that perpetually radiates and collapses upon itself, in an infinite feedback loop.
Thus, our observations are not our own, because we do not observe the universe from an external point of view. We are part of its own process of awareness. And we can use this process consciously to direct the creation and trace the path we wish to take, in co-creation with others [9].
For this, we use energy. Energy follows consciousness.
Energy follows consciousness
“We are bathed in a fundamental energy that is at the source of the creation of the physical world. This energy is the vacuum, or the space that surrounds us. This space however is not empty in the usual sense of the word but full of energy, an energy that connects absolutely everything.”
Nassim Haramein puts here the relation between vacuum, space and energy. From the point of view of physics, the vacuum does not exist.
From the point of view of metaphysics, only consciousness and energy exist. What is called “space” is simply energy and unexplored potentials (although from the mental point of view space exists and is perceived as empty).
Space is nothing but energy
Nassim Haramein is interested in the vacuum and especially in the energy it contains because it is for him the source of matter. He discovered that the vacuum has a geometric structure, that of the flower of life in 3D.
This structure is infinite and covers what is commonly called “space”. Space connects all scales, from the quantum level – where the equations predict that there is infinite energy at every point – to the cosmological level. All the energy is already there, even if we are not aware of it.
Standard physics voluntarily leaves out the vast majority of this energy by using a renormalization process, which assigns a finite value to the energy of the quantum vacuum.
“(…) Infinities that are absurd at first sight occur in the other partial theories, but in all cases these infinities can be cancelled by a process called “renormalization”. Although this technique is relatively dubious mathematically, it seems to work in practice and has been applied to these theories to make predictions that fit observations with an extraordinary degree of accuracy. Renormalization, however, has a serious drawback from the point of view of finding a complete theory, because it means that the actual values of the masses and the intensities of the forces cannot be predicted by the theory but must be chosen to fit the observations.”
Stephen Hawking states here what allowed Nassim Haramein to find a complete theory, taking into account the infinite with no need to use renormalization. Thus he succeeded in predicting the real value of the mass of the proton and of black holes in general, we will come back to this in article 2…
Energy is equivalent everywhere
“Physical objects are not in space, but these objects are an extension of space. From this point of view, the concept of space loses all meaning.”
Space – or energy – is a fluctuation at the source of our reality. So instead of seeing ourselves as a body, for example, we can see ourselves as being made up of trillions of cells. Each of these cells is composed of billions of atoms. Inside each of these atoms, protons circulate around each other at the speed of light. They are each made of 1055 tiny packets of energy, called Planck Spherical Units (PSU) or voxels by Nassim Haramein. These voxels constitute the fundamental unit of the space-time factory, assembled geometrically according to the infinite structure of the flower of life in 3D.
There is no space between the particles, there is only energy. Moreover, the physicist shows that if we take into account the energy contained into the proton, we can finally explain the difference in energy density between the quantum level and the cosmological level [14]. Finally the energy is equal, equivalent everywhere.
But if we consider that space does not exist, what happens to the concepts of time and dimension?
Without space, what is time?
Since the theory of special relativity (Einstein, 1905), the concept of space is closely associated with that of time. These notions have become inseparable and have a reciprocal influence on each other. However, for Nassim Haramein, time is a human concept. He prefers to speak about space-memory. Indeed, according to him it is the memory which is encoded on the frame of space, giving us the notion of the time which passes.
But whether it is a question of memory or time, if there is no space there is no space, you might rightly say. I see memory rather as packets of energy and consciousness that become available from our human perspective.
This is in line with the metaphysical perspective where any manifestation of energy is an event [15], uncorrelated with time and space but in no way uncorrelated with consciousness. Time, like space, exists nowhere else than in the mental. This one perceives linearity and separation, where everything is only resonance in the present moment.
Without space, what is a dimension?
A dimension is relative to a measure [16]. However, Nassim Haramein considers that a dimension refers to the scale or size of a structure rather than to an orientation in space. According to his theory, there is an infinite number of scalar dimensions [17], the smallest and most relevant to define our relationship to the universe being the voxel (Planck sphere). 1055 voxels – the mass of the universe – fit into a single proton. How is this possible? Because it is the holographic mass, based on the information [18]. The physicist also showed that the universe is fractal. The holofractographic nature of the universe means that all protons communicate with each other.
If this is the case, then – as we’ll see in the next article – energy is communication!
Notes & references
[1] See the article on The strange loop of consciousness.
[2] Read My Story to learn more.
[3] Presence is a state. A singular state of consciousness. It is lived beyond words. From then on, words can only help us to define what presence is not, i.e. non-presence (mental).
[4] See also the article on the conscious experience on this topic.
[5] Source : Wikipédia, free translation
[6] See also the article Objectivity, the blind spot of science.
[7] HARAMEIN Nassim, quoted by International Space Federation FR.
[8] You can read the article on the fractal and holographic universe to learn more about the dynamics of the double torus. And also: the article on the principle of rhythm, and the one on the gender principle for a more metaphysical perspective.
[9] The emergence of consciousness raises the question of free will, I talk about it in the article Does free will exist?
[10] HARAMEIN Nassim, June 2015, Conference in Brussels, free translation
[11] HAWKING Stephen, Une brève histoire du temps [A Brief History of Time], Ed.Flammarion, 2018, p.191, free translation
[12] To learn more about the renormalization process, you can read the article From renormalization to fractals.
[13] EINSTEIN Albert, quoted by HARAMEIN Nassim, The Connected Universe [vidéo], 2015
[14] This difference is known in the standard theory as the worst prediction ever made in physics. For more information, you can read the article Quantum gravity and Schwarzschild proton.
[15] See also the article on the principle of vibration to have another point of view on time.
[16] Dimension, from the Latin dimensio meaning “action of measuring”.
[17] A scalar is a physical quantity that is specified only by its magnitude (without any idea of direction), and that is expressed with a number followed or not by a unit.
[18] See the article Quantum gravity and Schwarzschild proton.
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