examples of communication at quantum level
DECEMBER 5, 2020 (updated on March 17, 2024)
“Reality appears to us as blocks. But quantum reality tells us
that these blocks communicate with each other through vacuum.” [1]
Table of contents
If you missed the beginning: in previous articles, I have explained the history of synchronicities and their characteristics, and in particular their link with the unconscious. I’d like to talk here about the communication that goes on behind the scenes when synchronicity occurs, through a few examples drawn from my personal experience.
When life insists…
Sometimes in life, we can miss out on great opportunities. Simply by not recognizing the sign indicating a new possibility. Or simply by deciding to ignore it. Sometimes, fortunately, even if we miss the sign, the timely information reappears in another form, on another sign. That’s what it took before I decided to push the door of Madeleine’s office (read My story to find out who Madeleine is).
The first time I heard about her, in 2001, I was attending one of my first personal development courses. At that time, I didn’t realise what a person like her could do for me. At least that’s what I told myself. The real reason is that when I went to see her, I was very afraid of what I might find out about myself. So I deliberately put the information aside and said to myself that I will study this proposal – maybe – later.
It turned out that “later” arrived much earlier than expected! Three days after I made my big decision to stand still, my path crossed her again. This time, through my mother, who had just gotten her contact information back. I found the arrival about “Madeleine” information in our lives rather surprising, occurring three days apart by two people who did not know each other. But I wasn’t at the end of my surprises!
As I listened to my mother inform me of her intention to make an appointment with Madeleine, I suddenly became aware of the resonance this whole story was causing in me. The decision I had made three days earlier was beginning to crumble. And far too quickly for my comfort zone.
Cellular memory
Life urged me to move whether I went to see her or not because my mother had decided to go anyway. And I didn’t see how that couldn’t have any effect on me. So, all things considered, even though Madeleine had indeed come into my life, I began to consider the possibility of making an appointment as well. However, before resolving to do so, I left it to my mother to go and see her first. Then to give me a debriefing, to the extent that she would like to share with me.

Basically, she explained to me that Madeleine decoded the memory present in our cells. Announced in this way, it may seem at best unthinkable, at worst impossible, when it is not both at the same time. However, from the point of view of Nassim Haramein‘s unified field theory this is quite acceptable. And what does this theory tell us?
It tells us that information is encoded on every surface created by the universe. If our cells are one of these surfaces, why wouldn’t the information be stored there? And why shouldn’t a person be able to decode it, that is to say: to extract it from the field of the unconscious to the conscious level? Even though at the time I was not familiar with this theory, and even though it seemed unthinkable or even impossible, I felt behind my mother’s words and enthusiasm, a sense of meaning and well-being. And beyond any theory, that was more than enough to convince me.
Synchronicity: towards another reality
On my way to my first appointment with Madeleine, I discovered something quite unexpected. I felt like I was in a house made of straw or wood. Madeleine was the benevolent she-wolf who came to blow gently on the house to make it collapse just long enough to make me aware of one thing: my life up to now had only been based on mental constructs, with which I identified, and without which I felt as if I didn’t exist.
But back to the coincidence of the road signs. If the concomitant information about Madeleine did not arrive at the same time, it arrived close enough – and obviously meaningful – to fall into the category of synchronicity. But whether they are synchronistic or not is basically not important. What I would like to highlight is what happens backstage, in the information field. In fact, the circumstances of our meeting are a reflection of what I have experienced many times in contact with her. I’m talking about the way the information flows in the field, and the link between its state of presence and the appearance of synchronicities before or after our appointments.
The body never lies
When we met, if in the previous three days I didn’t feel in a different emotional state than I was usual – whether it was from a dream, synchronicity, seemingly unfounded fear, etc. – I knew the meeting would be postponed. This was true in all cases. I attribute my change of status to the receipt of information to which she has access, which is necessary for our mutual preparation and which it transmits to me via the information field.

This is in line with the body’s response highlighted by the Heartmath Institute, which corroborates one of the first teachings Madeleine gave me: “the body never lies”. Today, the gap is not so marked anymore. Or let’s just say I don’t feel that way anymore. Probably because I live more in a state of presence, being less dependant of my emotions.
I would also like to point out that the encoding and decoding of information is done for her conscientiously. It’s simply her way of working, in harmony with the way things work in the connected universe. All information passes through the universal connection field, the quantum vacuum. Either we are receptive to it directly or we pick up this information at a time when our mind is idle, when we are sleeping for example. That’s how I experienced it one night…

One day, my daughter Lena’s urine was stained pink. She was fine by the way. I wasn’t overly concerned, but out of a sense of caution, I preferred to call an emergency doctor. Given Lena’s general state of health, which is quite normal, the doctor advised me to wait until the next morning to see how the situation evolves. I texted Madeleine anyway to give her an update. Without any answer from her – and so, considering that there was no emergency – I fell asleep serenely… to wake up at 3am with the image of a red beetroot appearing on a Polaroid in my mind. Another Polaroid quickly appeared, revealing the face of a colleague who once told me that if you eat too much beetroot, you can pee red.
Curiously, the first thing that came to my mind was, “If it’s a beetroot story, how come the emergency doctor didn’t think of it? ». I guess he just hadn’t thought about it… Anyway, as I replayed the film of the lunch and dinner in my head, I remembered that indeed Lena had eaten a lot of beets, as a starter and even as a dessert. Then I went back to sleep peacefully.
When I saw Madeleine again, I asked her if she had “sent” me the beet photo. She confirmed: “oh yes, I didn’t have time to reply to your text message so I sent you the picture directly”. Which can be translated as: “I sent you the information via the quantum vacuum, your consciousness retrieved it during the night, and your brain translated it into two polaroids for you to see the connection.”
This last example will allow me to illustrate both the encoding of information in the unified field and the synchronicity. A few years ago, I lived in a little-used and horseshoe-shaped street. One winter evening I was on my way home when I had the unpleasant sensation of being followed. When I got to the front of my gate, I stopped. I had my key in one hand, my handbag and a baguette in the other. I looked behind me. It was relatively dark, and despite my persistent feeling, I didn’t see anyone. Suddenly, two young men came out of the small recess right next to the gate and one of them grabbed my handbag. He ran off to my left while his sidekick disappeared to my right.

In a fraction of a second, I took inventory of everything in my bag: ID, credit card, cash, luncheon vouchers, phone, glasses… and I immediately thought: “I can’t let him steal all this from me, it’s IMPOSSIBLE”. By a strange association of ideas, my next thought was: “And anyway, today is Madeleine’s birthday, he can’t steal my handbag”.
A split second later, I estimated that the would-be robber was smaller than me in size and age – 14 years old perhaps – both reasons as absurd as sufficient for me to try to catch him. Neither one nor two, I went after him. Ready to fight. I was determined to get my stuff back. The idea that he might be armed didn’t even occur to me. I simply ran after him, in high heels, brandishing my wand like a sword and screaming like I never thought I would: “MY BAG! Give me back my bag! ». Nothing mattered more than this thought: “I DON’T WANT my bag stolen.”
After several meters, the young boy stopped. Neat. Inexplicably. Right around the bend. To immediately start again from where it came from, leaving me, this time, nailed in place. In that moment, I knew he was slipping away from me. Despite all the anger I was still feeling, I had no other option but to surrender. “I can’t catch up with him, I give up,” I collapsed inside.
Then… at that very moment… like an angel coming out of the darkness… a big, strong black man came out of nowhere and said, “Don’t move, I’ll be right back”. He immediately went after the thief.
In front of my absolutely amazed look, the young woman who was with him, who stayed close to me, thought it good to say: “We saw that they were following you”. Then I realized that I had just thrown the thug into a trap I didn’t even know existed… What synchronicity… Frankly, I almost felt like looking for the camera! However, the bandit had obviously sniffed out the ambush and preferred to flip-flop.
Synchronicity, communication and quantum resonance
After a wait that seemed to last for hours, my benefactor returned with my bag and all its contents. He refused any reward other than my warm thanks – which, on the occasion of this article, will therefore be made public. With her friend, they just disappeared as suddenly as they arrived.
Once I got home, when I felt pretty much recovered from my emotions, a sequence that I hadn’t really paid attention to at the time suddenly came back to me. During my previous appointment with Madeleine, as we were saying goodbye, she suddenly looked at my handbag insistently, as if she was picking up information. Then, looking like nothing, she put her hand on it – as if to send more information. Considering that everything in the universe is entangled, this information would have reached all concerned at the same time. And knowing Madeleine, with the intention that everything should be resolved as best it can!
Although I could not explain things in those terms at the time, it was very clear to me that events had turned in my favour thanks to her preventive intervention and the valiant and energetic determination I had shown. Another element is perhaps also to be taken into account in the appearance of this synchronicity. It so happened that evening that I was particularly tired and – something that happens to me very rarely – I had dozed off on the train before going home: had I then recovered any useful information for the good end of the story at that time?
Synchronicity and free will
These three examples highlight the existence of the universal field in which the information is encoded. While the existence of this field may go unnoticed in the ordinary of our daily lives, it is revealed when synchronicity occurs. Because synchronicity reveals by resonance information from this field, and information that makes sense.

In the end, everything happens as if it were materialized, at precise spatio-temporal coordinates that are identical for all the people involved, information that is common to them all. This information would come into the consciousness of these people and would make sense to at least one of them. Unlike the others, it would then experience the event associated with it as synchronicity.
What is the place of free will in this process, if any? This questioning has taken on a particular dimension for me in view of the expansion of consciousness that I have experienced. Moreover, it is precisely my passage in the presence that led me to question differently the existence of free will.
But before looking into this question, you might want to check out the last episode of this series. It deals with the conditions under which communication takes place at the quantum level, in a framework much broader than that of my own experience: the universe!
Notes & references
[1] HENRY Marc, (January-February 2011), Interview of Marc Henry, In: Nexus n°72, p.59, free translation
Marc Henry is an engineer, associate researcher at the CNRS, director of the solid-state molecular chemistry laboratory and professor of inorganic chemistry at the University of Strasbourg (France).
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