Feminine, masculine, connected universe
February 2, 2019
Table of contents
This article proposes a free adaptation of Nassim Haramein‘s unified field theory. From my point of view, we can consider this theory from the angle of the Feminine and the Masculine. As a more metaphysical interpretation of the only two forces at work in the universe at all levels: gravity and electromagnetism.
The slideshow below tells another story of the universe, in broad outline. A more complete text is included under the animation.
Have a good trip !
The Feminine Principle
The Feminine Principle creates any form from the infinitely small, from a singularity (a point of infinite potential). Up to the infinitely large, every form remains connected to this point. It becomes its center, still at the heart of the movement.
On the quantum scale, space is a dynamic sea in which each point has infinite energy.
We do not perceive this energy because we do not have a direct experience of the infinitely small. Space as we perceive it at our scale and at the scale of the universe appears to be smooth and empty.
The geometry of the Feminine Principle is that of the cuboctahedron. It is the only geometric solid whose all vectors are equal. It is perfectly balanced. Twelve vectors start from the vertices and converge to a 13th point, the singularity at the center of the structure.
This is the essence of the Feminine Principle: infinity. The number 13 also represents the Feminine in matter.
In 2 dimensions, the cuboctahedron appears as a hexagon. In 3D, it can be seen as 4 intersecting hexagons.
The masculine principle
The Masculine Principle generates limits, from the infinitely small to the infinitely large. Each dimension created illustrates, at different scales, how finite contains infinity.
The Masculine Principle allows forms to exist, making experience in matter possible.
The geometry of the Masculine Principle is that of the tetrahedral star [1]. This geometric structure has no center. However, it contains the geometry of the cuboctahedron, which is centered.
The cuboctahedron is as invisible in this representation as the Feminine is to our eyes. Yet, however invisible it may be, the Feminine centers the Masculine. And only the Masculine allows the Feminine to manifest itself in matter.
When feminine meets masculine
From the infinitely small to the infinitely large, all forms are manifested in matter from the cuboctahedron and the tetrahedral star. These can only exist together as a structure composed of 64 tetrahedrons. They define the vacuum geometry, which contains infinite energy, the source of all creation. This geometry fits perfectly into a sphere, the most manifest form in nature.
Vacuum geometry can be seen as the assembly of 8 tetrahedral stars, forming a cuboctahedron – invisible here – in the center of the structure.
64 tetrahedrons are formed by the combination of the cuboctahedron and the tetrahedral star. Each of these tetrahedrons fits perfectly into a sphere [2]. The set of these spheres forms a cube – Metatron’s Cube – which gathers the 5 Platonic solids.
The flower of life
Transposed in two dimensions, the pattern obtained by these interpenetrating spheres is that of the flower of life. Thus, the flower of life represents the balance between the Feminine and the Masculine, between the infinite and the finite.
All creation emerges and manifests itself from the field formed by the flower of life, and all creation returns to it. In its current representation, the flower of life is made up of 19 circles, although the vacuum geometry has 37 circles.
The two-dimensional transposition of the spheres that form the vacuum geometry is more than just a two-dimensional representation. The flower of life illustrates the physical principle known as the holographic principle.
Our universe is holographic, it is physically built and deployed in the illusion of a separation at the heart of which reigns unity.
The fractal dance
Each structure – cuboctahedron and tetrahedral star – grows thanks to the other, from infinitely small to infinitely large. Like a fractal dance of the Feminine and Masculine, in which the whole motif is repeated ad infinitum at all scales.
Each fractal division manifests matter at a different level. The human being is the physical manifestation which is halfway between the infinitely small and the infinitely large.
Everything is movement. Every movement has a simultaneous reciprocal movement. This double movement is based on the only two forces at work in the universe: the gravitational force and the electromagnetic force.
The cuboctahedron is the structure through which the gravitational force acts by generating a contraction movement. The tetrahedral star is the structure through which the electromagnetic force acts by generating an expanding movement.
Thus, the dynamics of the vacuum structure, present in everything, is a simultaneous exchange between these two movements. The information exchanged is transmitted from one level to the next by these movements that grow fractally, from the infinitely small to the infinitely large. In the center, all movements cancel out: it is stillness, the singularity from which we observe the universe.
A cyclone is a rotating mass formed by a pressure difference between two air masses. In the same way, there are different degrees of density from the infinitely small to the infinitely large. It is this density gradient that explains the rotational motion of everything in the universe. Like the sacred dance of Feminine and Masculine.
Vacuum and manifestation, a great love story
Every star is a black hole. A black hole is created by the dance of the Feminine and the Masculine. Its true – but not apparent – movement oscillates from the singularity to the physical manifestation of the star as we see it, then from the manifestation to the singularity, and so on.
This movement between the gravitational force and the electromagnetic force is so fast – it takes place at the speed of light – that our senses only perceive its physical manifestation (read more in the article Movement and Perception).
Every star is a black hole like everything that is manifested in the universe, from the infinitely small to the universe itself.
“The flowers of spring are the dreams of winter, told in the morning at the table of angels.”
Every form is created in matter, dissolved in vacuum, recreated, dissolved again, etc. And continuously, at the speed of light. Thus, the feedback between matter and vacuum is such that, at our scale, we have the illusion of experiencing each form in a continuity. The fact that any form is recreated quickly enough and close enough to the previous one gives us this perception.
The heart
The heart embodies the gravitational singularity of biology: it is through the heart that we access the information field of the quantum vacuum [3]. Thus, the heart always has access to information before any other organ in the body, including the brain. It is in fact the only organ that sends more information to the brain than it receives.
Our self-awareness is based on a feedback of information between vacuum and matter. The deeper we are able to go inside ourselves to access the quantum field, the greater our radiation into matter will be. Indeed, there is a direct relationship between gravitational collapse and the expansion of the electromagnetic field.
To discover other facets of the Feminine/Masculine relationship, you can also delve into the Gender Principle.
Notes & references
[1] A tetrahedron is a pyramid with a triangular base.
[2] The sphere and the tetrahedron are geometrically complementary to each other. The tetrahedron is the most stable structure, the sphere is the most unstable.
[3] See also the article on the principle of rhythm, which highlights another model of the heart, based on geometry, and which is in line with the theory of Nassim Haramein.
Visuals and texts : © Gaetana
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2 thoughts on “Feminine, masculine, connected universe”
I would like to thank you for all the information in your site. It is helping me a lot to have followed your advice of reading first the Sacred Geometry article before I read physicists Nassim Haramein’s theory. (My favorite physicist!)
I hope this message finds you well, and I hope you keep this site growing.
Mil merci,
Bonne chance!
Hi Aleksandra, I really appreciate your message. I’ll have a bit more time in the coming weeks to keep this site growing ! Blessings