Energy is communication
NOVEMBER 20, 2023
Table of contents
In the first article of this series, we began to explore the relationship between physics (energy) and metaphysics (consciousness). The universe is an energy-consciousness, and more precisely a fractal and holographic phenomenon that evolves through a synergistic interaction of energy and consciousness.
Energy follows consciousness and makes it evolve because all particles communicate with each other. In other words, energy is communication, and this is the subject of this article.
Energy is communication, communication is energy
Energy is not force
In his book Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica, Isaac Newton stated in 1687 the laws of motion. These are the basic principles of classical mechanics, one of the foundations of which is the concept of force. A force is a mechanical action exerted by an object (or part of an object) on another object (or part of an object), using a vector with a direction, a sense, an intensity and a point of application. The set of forces applied to an object has the effect of imparting energy to it, in the form of an acceleration or a deformation.
This modeling goes hand in hand with the interpretation of the functioning of the universe that we had at the time, but this interpretation has evolved over time. Thus, the general relativity of Einstein in 1915 made the notion of mechanical action disappear. Since then, gravity, for example, is described as a force that curves space-time.
For Nassim Haramein, things are different again. All forces – which can be likened to manifestations of energy – are in a state of perfect and absolute equilibrium intermittently (half the time). This state corresponds to a reference point called 0 point. The notion of equilibrium is inherent to the notion of force, since measuring a force means determining the necessary effort that must be opposed to this force to reach equilibrium.
But who says equilibrium says imbalance. According to this physicist, there is in fact a dynamic exchange of information, which oscillates continuously between these two states.
From the notion of force to the notion of communication
“The existence of this intelligent and orderly cosmos is based on the fact that the structure of creation is intricate and communicates at all levels. This communication fuels a dynamic exchange of information (…) via a feedback loop that allows the system to learn about itself, evolve and become self-aware.”
Every system rhythmically returns [2] to the 0 point, which contains an infinite amount of energy and an infinite potential of creative consciousness. When it is not at the point of equilibrium, the system manifests itself in a certain form. The energy thus alternates between the interior and the exterior, communicating information from the 0 point to the world of forms, and vice versa.
This happens because of the contraction and expansion movements of the vacuum geometry. Nassim Haramein tells us that “the vacuum can have infinite forces within it, if they are in balance [we will not] realize that it is there” [3]. More than forces, the vacuum has infinite energy, the energy of the 0 point. Ultimately, with consciousness, only energy exists, everywhere and equally. We simply interpret the communication of energy as possibly being the manifestation of a force.
For example, according to this physicist, the strong force does not exist as such. Rather, it is gravity that acts at the quantum level [4]. Although he considers gravity and electromagnetism as the only two forces that exist in the universe, his theory can also be interpreted as implementing a flow, a communication between the vacuum and matter, via gravity and electromagnetism.
It is the double torus structure of the vacuum that allows this communication.
Geometry and communication
The geometry of the vacuum is partly formed by a cuboctahedron, also called vector equilibrium by the architect and inventor Buckminster Fuller [5]. The cuboctahedron represents the phase of equilibrium to which all manifestations, both physical (energy) and metaphysical (consciousness), return by alternation.
“Vector equilibrium is the true 0 reference of energy mathematics. The zero pulse of vector equilibrium is the closest thing we will ever know to eternity and God: the 0 phase of conceptual integrity inherent in the positive and negative asymmetries that propagate differentials of consciousness.”
In the cuboctahedron, the vectors are all equal in length and angular ratio (60°). This is the reason why it is possible to extend this equilibrium lattice outwards to infinity from the center point of the vector equilibrium. So we obtain an isotropic vector matrix. The whole matrix represents the geometry in perfect equilibrium, present at all scales, of which each point becomes the potential central point of a vector equilibrium. A condition of dynamic fluctuation can thus manifest itself around each point.
What we call “geometrical forms” are in the end only “energetic events”. They are articulated in geometrical networks when energy vectors cross each other and enter in resonance. Thus, any form is simply the interaction of energetic events.
Systems are in communication and synergy
“Although the model of a mechanical world is incomplete, it is not totally incorrect. A system is composed of sub-parts, which interact with each other, and generate the dynamics we observe. However, the nature of the exchanges between these subparts is not necessarily limited to the system in which they are observed or to which we associate them.
No totally isolated system has ever been found in nature (despite this, most of the fundamental laws of physics are based on such systems). Moreover, the dynamic relationships between all these subparts generate a synergistic effect (…) in which the behavior of the system as a whole is greater than the sum of the subparts, and is unpredictable from the behavior of the subparts.”
According to Nassim Haramein, energy arises from the exchange of information in the universe, which occurs at all scales. But it is probably the quantum scale that best allows us to understand energy. Because at this scale, particles have no intrinsic existence: their existence depends on their relationship [8].
Since big things are made of small things, these relationships exist at all scales. Dissipative structures are a good example. These open systems are in permanent communication, exchanging energy with their environment, which then becomes for them a source of coherence and self-organization. However, the price to pay for generating this useful energy is a large amount of non-qualitative energy (entropy).
Unlike chaotic systems, which depend only on initial conditions, dissipative structures are conditioned by continuous fluctuations that act in synergy [9].
But how do open systems communicate? This is what we are going to find out now.
All particles communicate with each other

In physics, there is an equality between the entanglement of two particles (ER) and the space-time shortcuts, or wormholes (EPR). This relation, given by the equality ER = EPR means, to put it simply, that two particles can communicate with each other without any condition of time or distance [10].
For Nassim Haramein, this equality applies not only to two particles but to all particles in the universe. He came to this conclusion after having demonstrated the fractal and holographic nature of the universe. Fractals allow all scales to be in communication by feedback. At the same time, each particle having the information of all the others thanks to holography, any change of information is instantly communicated from one particle to the other [11].
Energy is the result of an exchange of information
By discovering that the vacuum has a double torus structure, Nassim Haramein has redefined black holes. According to him, far from being structures that absorb everything, black holes exchange information. They are essentially composed of vacuum and therefore of a double torus structure. The exchange of information takes place between their volume and their surface. It is this exchange that creates energy (which is called mass).
According to him, the universe is only composed of black holes at different scales, linked by a fractal law. All particles are therefore black holes, like for example the proton. There are currently two values for the mass of the proton, the standard value and the value calculated by Nassim Haramein. It is interesting to note that the difference between the two can be explained by the way of considering the exchange of information.
Thus, the frame of reference for the calculation of the mass of the standard proton is the observer, which amounts to considering the proton as separate from the other ones. While the frame of reference for the black hole proton is the universe, which is to consider the proton in relation to all the other protons present in the universe.
In the first case, everything happens as if we were taking into consideration the information present only on the surface of the proton. In contrast to the second case, where we also take into consideration the information present in its volume, and thus the energy of the vacuum it contains. This is the basis for the calculation of the holographic mass – which implies that everything communicates with everything all the time – and which can be applied to any black hole [12].
Energy flow Vs motion
Rotation Vs friction
Einstein’s field equations describe gravity as a force that bends space-time. However, they say nothing about the source of gravity. By modifying these equations, Nassim Haramein managed to explain that gravity comes from the coordinated rotation of the Planck spheres that constitute space-time at the quantum level. In his model, space-time has a fundamental vortex (spin), which unfolds along a density gradient from the smallest to the largest scales. It is this cascade of vortices that explains the rotation of all objects in the universe [13].
Our standard physics is based on the following fundamental assumption: everything has been spinning in a frictionless environment since the Big Bang. Spin is inherent to the Big Bang, so theoretically we do not have to take it into account in the equations. Except that…
“First of all, that does not tell [us] where the energy came from to generate that moment of impulse. But secondly, it is a very, very large generalization, because what [we] look around [us] does not really look like a frictionless environment!
It’s the same thing at the atomic level: electrons have been spinning perpetually since the Big Bang, at the speed of light. They have never stopped. That’s a lot of spin, for a long, long time! This would be true if there was only one atom in the universe, but as soon as there are even two atoms, there are frictions, collisions, all sorts of things like gravitational fields influencing each other. Nothing like a frictionless environment.”
In his theory, the physicist does not neglect the forces of friction, but shows that the forces of rotation surpass them.
But without space, what about movement?
So, if things seem to be running in a frictionless environment, it is only an appearance.
But isn’t the mere fact that they are in motion already an appearance?

We have seen in the previous article that space is nothing but energy. What happens then to motion without space? If we take up the double torus model of Nassim Haramein, we see a movement in this loop, but no displacement from a point A to a point B. We could say that there is a kind of dynamic flow or expansion, but nothing that actually moves. Nothing is going anywhere, especially us. We are not moving through time and space. Rather, it is time and space that moves through us. Better yet, we are simply in this infinite loop with our life experiences, regardless of time and space.
Fundamentally, the perception of movement actually proceeds from a kind of sum of many moments and events that occur in the Present moment. Thus, instead of thinking that an arrow must take a certain time to travel a distance from the shooter to the target, it is better to think in terms of events: each observation of this arrow on its path becomes an event. The moment we observe this arrow at a certain point of its trajectory, it becomes an event. In fact, it does not move, it is just the nature of the event that changes. A bit like the pixels that turn on and off and give an impression of movement on a still television screen [15].
In the next article, we will continue to talk about energy, in connection with metaphysics, shadow and light…
Key points
- The universe is a fractal and holographic phenomenon that evolves through a synergistic interaction of energy and consciousness.
- The universe is not based on forces but on dynamic exchanges of information, which oscillate continuously between equilibrium and imbalance.
- All particles in the universe create energy by exchanging information through their double torus structure. Energy is communication.
- The structure of the double torus underlies an energy flow in which nothing really moves. Rather, the perception of movement is a succession of energy events.
Notes & references
[1] HARAMEIN Nassim, quoted by International Space Federation FR
[2] See also the article on the principle of rhythm
[3] HARAMEIN Nassim, Nassim Haramein at Rogue Valley Metaphysical Library (1) [vidéo].
[4] For more information, you can read the article Quantum gravity and Schwarzschild proton.
[5] Buckminster Fuller (1895 – 1983) published more than thirty books, coining or popularizing terms such as “synergy”. He also developed many inventions, mainly in the field of architectural design, the most famous being the geodesic dome.
[6] FULLER Buckminster, Synergetics, section 440.01
[7] HARAMEIN Nassim, quoted by International Space Federation FR, op.cit.
[8] See on this topic the article Reality and quantum physics.
[9] To understand this mechanism, see the article on the butterfly effect: from chaos to interdependence.
[10] For more information, see the article indeterminism and entanglement.
[11] To learn more about the holofractographic nature of the universe, see the article on the fractal and holographic universe.
[12] For more information, see the article on quantum gravity and the Schwarzschild proton.
[13] To learn more, see the article What is space-time?
[14] HARAMEIN Nassim. (September 25, 2013). Nassim Haramein Complete [Podcast]
[15] See also the article Movement and perception.
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