The fractal & holographic universe
DECEMBER 8, 2018 (updated on March 17, 2024)
Table of contents
Note: This article outlines Nassim Haramein‘s unified field theory (connected universe). Reading can be a bit difficult for some people. Remember to explore the information through the notes and related links, this should make it easier to understand. You can also start by reading the article Feminine, masculine, connected universe, which is more affordable, but is still a personal interpretation of this theory.
Starting off on the right foot
For several decades, some physicists have been trying to build a bridge between relativistic and quantum physics, using string theory. This theory is still speculative and seeks to provide a description of quantum gravity. Also known as the “theory of the whole”, it attempts to unify the four elementary interactions, of which gravity is one. It considers the fundamental building blocks of the universe not as “point particles” but as a “kind of tiny vibrating strings with a tension, like an elastic band” [1].
Nassim Haramein takes another path. He is not trying to build a bridge which will probably never be built without a correct understanding of the fundamental dynamics of the universe. Rather, he develops a model that applies to all scales, from the infinitely small to the infinitely large, because it is precisely based on this fundamental dynamics. In doing so, he can easily provide a description of quantum gravity.
The universe is a black hole
An elegant scaling law
More concretely, in order to build his model, he has collected data on quantum and cosmological objects (proton, star, planet…). Then he placed these objects on a graph according to their frequency and radius, and found that there is a linear progression from Planck spheres [2] in the infinitely small to the universe itself.
They have one thing in common that may seem surprising: they have the mass and radius required to be considered as black holes. In other words, they obey the Schwarzschild condition [3].This remarkable alignment is in favor of a universe that is far from being random and chaotic. On the contrary, it would be dynamic and organized, according, to a fractal law.
For Nassim Haramein, we live inside a black hole. That’s a hell of a piece of news. Especially from the way it’s commonly portrayed: a monster that sucks everything in. We often forget that black holes have a limited range of action… otherwise we wouldn’t be here!
Information paradox?
According to the physicist Stephen Hawking, these cosmic objects still emit weak radiation which, after several billion years, leads black holes to evaporation. This poses a thorny problem: if the information swallowed in the form of mass-energy disappears forever, what happens to the principle of energy conservation? This is the “information paradox” highlighted by Hawking in 1976.
Nassim Haramein manages to establish that there is no paradox. But to understand his approach, we need to change the way we think about black holes.
For another vision of black holes
The term “black hole” does not allow us to represent this object correctly because “[the mass of the black hole] allows to define a sphere called the black hole horizon, centered on the singularity (…). This sphere represents in a way the spatial extension of the black hole. Thus, the term “hole” is inappropriate: it would be more correct to speak of a “black ball” to concretely conceptualize its actual three-dimensional physical form in space.” [4]
In fact, Nassim Haramein shows that a black hole is not even a sphere but a double torus. The information does not flow in a straight line towards the center of the black hole, but curls from its two poles towards the center in two opposite polarized directions.
The rotational forces generated create a centrifugal force whose power increases as the information approaches the singularity. This until a contrary force redistributes the information on the surface of the black hole. Thus, all the information inside the black hole is preserved, as predicted by quantum theory. The information is stored holographically on the event horizon [5]. In other words, the information paradox is irrelevant since no information is ever lost.
Two forces, two movements : how does it work?
In this model, the black hole evolves in a double movement: it is simultaneously in contraction and expansion. The boundary between these two movements is the equator of the black hole. This double movement can also be seen as a double rotation, where the two torus that make up the black hole rotate in opposite directions. This movement gives rise to gravitational and electromagnetic forces.
Thus, when new information reaches the singularity point under the effect of gravity, it is pooled with the information present in the quantum vacuum. Then the modified information emerges from the black hole under the effect of the electromagnetic force. It is transmitted to the other black holes in the universe through the wormholes that connect all the black holes together [6]. This is how communication works at all scales in the universe [7].
How is our universe organized?
Black holes: the architects of the universe
Black holes are distributed from the quantum to the cosmological scale according to a fractal law and a holographic model. Nassim Haramein talks about a holofractographic universe. This is how our universe includes smaller black holes, while itself being included in a larger black hole. It is structured in layers of creation that communicate in a quantum way. Its holographic properties imply that there is as much information in the entire universe as there is in each point of it.
This vision of black holes also calls into question the interpretation of certain observations. Indeed, it implies that black holes pre-exist the formation of stars and planets. Thus, when a black hole appears in the universe, it is not because a star has collapsed in on itself, but because the black hole – by expelling the constituent matter that surrounded it and formed the star – has become visible.
Vacuum and matter, a great love story
A discovery published on 25 February 2015 in the journal Nature [8] seems to corroborate this approach. It indicates that the most massive black hole known to date – 12 billion times the mass of our sun – has been located 12.8 billion light years from Earth. In other words, it formed 12.8 billion years ago. This is a great surprise to astrophysicists, because how could such a massive black hole have formed only 900 million years after the birth of the universe, just afterwards – on a galactic scale! – the appearance of the first stars and the first galaxies? For Nassim Haramein, the answer is simple: it was not formed “after”, it existed before this star.
In the holofractographic universe, all black holes are connected by the only element present at all scales : space. It is always present in the same proportions – 0.00001…% matter for 99.99999…% vacuum – which should lead us to think, like the physicist, that “maybe it is not objects that define space, but space that defines objects” [9], just as singularities define stars.
What is vacuum?
“The vector equilibrium is the zero point of “being” and “non-being”. It is the empty theatre, the empty circus, the empty universe ready to generate any action and its spectators.”
Although the energy of all objects in the universe radiates in the vacuum, and although the energy density of the quantum vacuum, even when renormalized [11], is huge (5.1 x 1093 g/cm3), the vacuum seems to us… empty. Why?
Firstly, because we do not have direct experience of it. Our direct experience is on the scale of matter, which seems to us, on the contrary, very dense. That’s not the case. Albert Einstein said that “physical objects are not in space, but these objects are an extension of space” [12], while Nassim Haramein reminds us that matter is composed of 99.99999…% of empty space.
A little geometry
Secondly, because “vacuum can contain infinite forces in it, if they are in perfect balance, you will not realize that they are there” [13], as the physicist also explains. In the holofractographic universe, the vacuum equilibrium, at the quantum level (i.e. at the Planck scale), is based on geometry, and more precisely on the combination of two solids: the cuboctahedron and the tetrahedral star. The cuboctahedron is also called the vector equilibrium because it is the only geometry with a perfect vector balance. The cuboctahedron and the tetrahedral star produce equal and opposite forces that evolve in a feedback dynamics.
The vacuum dynamics
The vacuum geometry is in fact that of the double torus which characterizes black holes and allows information to circulate. This geometry is the source of the dynamics of contraction and expansion, the source of gravity and electromagnetism, which give coherence to the universe. In other words, material reality is done, undone, and redone over and over again, and this movement is based on a continuous feedback of information : matter informs quantum vacuum (contraction movement), which in return informs matter (expansion movement), and so on. Everything comes from vacuum, everything goes back to vacuum.
The fundamental geometry of the vacuum structure is therefore an infinite fractal structure. It grows and shrinks in size, always respecting its proportions and balance at all levels.
Key points
- The universe is a black hole, itself made up of black holes at different scales.
- Black holes are distributed according to a fractal law, they communicate by feedback.
- The universe is holographic : there is as much information in the whole universe as there is in each point of it.
- In the universe there is 0.00001…% matter for 99.99999…% vacuum.
- Everything comes from vacuum, everything goes back to vacuum, at every Planck/s.
Notes & references
[1] According to WIKIPEDIA
[2] Planck distance (1.616 x 10-33 cm) is the smallest limit that defines our relationship to the universe. A Planck sphere is the smallest “energy packet”, the smallest significant electromagnetic vibration.
[3] Karl Schwarzschild was a German physicist. He was the first to have provided a solution to Einstein’s field equations, and thus to predict the first theoretical black hole.
[4] According to WIKIPEDIA
[5] See the articles The holographic universe: the underlying unity and Gravity, entropy and self-organization about the holographic principle.
[6] See the article What is space-time ?
[7] See also the article Is the universe deterministic?
[8] WU Xue-Bing et al. (february 25, 2015). An ultraluminous quasar with a twelve-billion-solar-mass black hole at redshift 6.30. In : Nature
[9] HARAMEIN Nassim. (September 25, 2013). Nassim Haramein Complete [Podcast]; the exact quote is “maybe it’s space that defining you, instead of you that defining it.”
[10] FULLER Buckminster, quoted by International Space Federation FR
[11] Renormalization is a process that artificially eliminates the infinite energy density that exists at the quantum level. For more details, see the article From renormalization to fractals.
[12] EINSTEIN Albert, quoted by HARAMEIN Nassim, L’univers connecté [The connected univers], free translation
[13] HARAMEIN Nassim, Nassim Haramein at Rogue Valley Metaphysical Library (1) [vidéo]
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