Choice is the very essence of the movement of thought.
Jiddu Krishnamurti | Philosopher
Synchronicities: examples of communication at quantum level
A synchronicity reveals, through resonance with the universal field on which information is encoded, information that makes sense...
Irreversibility, memory & entropy
Classical thermodynamics teaches us that the tendency of energy is to move from order to disorder. Yet experience shows that irreversibility is actually a source of coherence in the universe...
Is your brain really necessary?
Many people have testified to a state of consciousness even though no brain activity was recorded. Many of these testimonies have been compiled by cardiologist Pim Van Lommel...
From chaos to interdependence
Over the long term, chaotic systems end up oscillating around what appears to be a finite number of values. These values are said to accumulate on an attractor...
Act 2 : With a valiant heart, nothing is impossible
Is the mind just a small aspect of consciousness? It seems that trying to answer this question was the challenge I set myself one evening in December 2013...