Physical objects are not in space, but these objects are an extension of space. From this point of view, the concept of space loses all meaning.

Albert Einstein | Nobel Prize in Physics


Synchronicities, a resonance with the unconscious

Synchronic events escape not only the principle of causality, but also statistical probabilities and reproducibility. Thus, these rare and unique events escape the very foundation...

Quantum gravity and Schwarzschild proton

The proton is a black hole whose mass, far greater than that of the standard proton, is linked to quantum gravity, according to Nassim Haramein...

Does free will exist ?

Do we have a choice? Is there such a thing as free will? Depending on the plane of consciousness considered, the answer to these questions will be different…

Indeterminism & quantum entanglement

Indeterminism seems to challenge the principle of causality, and entanglement seems to defy the principle of locality and the speed of light. But yet...

Is the universe deterministic ? 1/2

The principle of causality is not always obvious, when we can't distinguish all the causes that have produced an effect, or when the time that elapses between a cause and its effect is so long that we can't see the link between the two...