What we consider spiritual or metaphysical is generally physics that we do not yet understand.

Nassim Haramein | Physicist


Paris, November 13

I was tucked up at home in the Paris suburbs, watching a lecture by Nassion Haramein on the Internet, when the attacks of Friday November 13 took place that year in Paris, sacred ground...

Who am I ?

To know me better, I invite you to explore this blog. There are two ways: discover what makes me special, or explore what we have in common...

Quantum gravity and Schwarzschild proton

The proton is a black hole whose mass, far greater than that of the standard proton, is linked to quantum gravity, according to Nassim Haramein...

Synchronicities, from philosophy to physics

The term "synchronicity", which first appeared in 1928, was created by Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Gustav Jung. After many revisions of the concept, he defined synchronicity as...

The story of Jill Bolte Taylor

Specializing in neuroanatomy in order to understand why her brother seemed to live in a world separate from reality as experienced by his fellow human beings, Jill Bolte Taylor suffered a stroke at the age of 37...