The hermetic principles
The Kybalion is the founding text of the profound wisdom that comes to us from ancient Egypt. A book marked by the seal of mystery, just like its title, whose exact meaning has been lost. Published in 1908 by a trio of no less mysterious authors, the “Three Initiates”, it delivers a wealth of teachings.
The articles in this theme approach Hermetic principles from the angle of physics and geometry, taking us down often unexpected paths… !
1- Hermetic principles & geometry: the origin of Hermetic principles and their links with Nassim Haramein‘s theory.
2- The principle of mentalism, which underpins the other 6 principles, teaches us that the universe is both visible and invisible. Better still, the visible exists first and foremost in the invisible, because mental is first, manifestation second…
3- The principle of correspondence underpins the dependent appearance of information on different planes. It is expressed in unity (the holographic principle), similarity (fractals) and harmony (resonance)…
4- The principle of vibration: considered to be the fourth dimension of the universe, vibration occupies a special place in Hermetic teaching, since it occupies the same place as time in the theories of classical physics…
5- The principle of polarity teaches us that everything is dual and must be considered from both absolute and relative points of view, these being the two poles of truth for Hermeticists…
6- The principle of rhythm: what links the principle of rhythm, art and physics? Nothing less than the geometry of the heart and its interaction with the universe…
7- The principle of cause and effect: classical physics is based on a causality that unfolds in the temporal sphere. But according to Hermetic teachings, causality is merely an effect of the principle of vibration…
8- The gender principle: an advanced exploration of the gender principle, based on my personal experience and the geometry of the Feminine and Masculine principles.