Quantum consciousness
DECEMBER 30, 2018 (updated on February 3, 2024)
Table of contents
The unified field theory is based on a deep understanding of what consciousness is. Consciousness expresses itself at all scales of the universe, from quantum to matter level, and, in return, from matter to quantum level.
Nassim Haramein teaches us that exploring universe, matter, vacuum, movement, time or stillness is like exploring consciousness. All these things are just different aspects of the same and unique subject/object that exists at all scales: consciousness. Just different perspectives, leading to different observations and interpretations. For as soon as the consciousness of the observer changes, he no longer observes his environment in the same way, which in return influences the consciousness with which he perceives.
This is why the vision of some scientists, based on isolated systems and separation, is proven by their observations. Just as Nassim Haramein’s vision, based on the interdependence and connection between things… is also proven by his observations!
Except that Nassim Haramein succeeds to reconcile quantum and relativistic physics, to explain the source of gravity, to show how it applies at the quantum level, to prove that dark energy and dark matter do not exist, and finally to demonstrate that everything is One.
But let’s get back to consciousness…
What is quantum consciousness?
Quantum consciousness means first and foremost: being aware of the quantum world. Then: being aware of the influence of the quantum world on the matter world and vice versa.
“The state of consciousness retroacts on the conceptions of consciousness; and the conceptions of consciousness retroacts in return on the ability to modulate one’s own state of consciousness (…).”
Quantum consciousness is expressed at all scales of the universe and manifests itself under different aspects: matter, time, movement… Conceiving the interdependence of these aspects as well as their dynamics is to enter into quantum consciousness [2]. Demonstration with 3 examples.
Matter or vacuum? Both of them!

From our perspective, matter is solid. But seen from the Planck field, matter is just an extension of space and it is 99.99999…% empty. When we observe matter, we are not aware of all the dynamics at work. We only see what radiates from the vacuum. We don’t realize that everything that radiates contracts back into the vacuum. And that everything that contracts radiates again, with some tiny changes due to the influence of all the information shared at the quantum level.
Matter comes from vacuum. In fact, matter is just energy condensed into form and then released, at the speed of light, as the universe manifests itself, returns to the vacuum, manifests itself again and so on (see the section on vacuum dynamics). Basically, nothing is solid. Everything is quantum consciousness.
Time and simultaneity
From our perspective, time exists. Yet the physicist John Wheeler said:
“Time is only a construction of the universe to prevent everything from happening at once.”
At least this construction saves us from having such a perception. On the contrary, it allows us to experience events in a linear way. However, if events appear to take place locally and independently of each other, it is just an illusion: each piece of information appears at precise spatio-temporal coordinates and is simultaneously available everywhere in the universe in holographic form (see the article What is space-time?).
Thus, our ordinary perceptions see linearity and separation whereas all is only in resonance in the present moment. As if it’s our perspective on the hologram of reality that is constantly changing, letting movement and time appear. In other words, reality alternates between appearance and disappearance, but each new appearance would ultimately be only the consequence of a change in perspective of quantum consciousness.
Movement and immobility

Our level of consciousness determines our perception of time: pure consciousness is self-aware in immobility, the eternal present, while the mental is inseparable from time. That is why, from our perspective, immobility does not exist. In fact, immobility resides in our center, from which we observe the universe. In the image of the eye of the cyclone, which is an immobile point, “all the spins in the universe cancel each other out at each point, giving way to immobility” [4], says Nassim Haramein.
To be at the point of immobility, is to not perceive time because time needs movement to exist. So pure consciousness is stillness, but the experience of consciousness is movement.
Think quantum consciousness!
Unique beings…

Consciousness expresses itself in all things according to the same dynamics. Thus, the universe as a whole – and each human being in particular – is immersed in a process of feedback of information by which it becomes increasingly conscious. The fundamental level of who we are radiates and collapses perpetually upon itself, in an infinite feedback loop that changes the holographic world around us and, consequently, our experience of consciousness.
... and multiple beings
When gravity brings information from matter to the quantum vacuum singularity, it is shared with information about the experience that all other individual consciousness have had at the level of matter. Then each consciousness becomes, through the vacuum, connected to all the information of the other consciousness, that is to say, to the universal consciousness. The electromagnetic force redeploys this updated information from the vacuum to each individual consciousness.
“You are part of this flow of information which goes from the infinitely large to the infinitely small, and as it passes through you, it records your specific interpretation being re-informs the infinity. So your participation influences the entire flow or vacuum field. Do you start to get a sense of your responsibility?”
As everyone observes the universe from his own point of reference, from his own perspective, each one sends different information to the vacuum, which in return sends slightly different information back to each one, making each individual a specific being, living different experiences even though they are connected to the experiences of others.
Reality, other people and me
We can therefore see how our collective reality is created. While each of us observes the universe from a different center, the fact that we are all connected, to the same center of gravity – Earth – establishes the consensus of reality we observe and experience.

More specifically, a holarchy of consensus of individual and collective realities.
Reality is constantly changing due to our own individual changes. And as matter, it represents only a tiny fraction – 10-39% – of the energy presents in the vacuum. Therefore, our capacity for change at the individual level is potentially huge. Just as on a collective scale, whose reality is constantly being created from our own daily individual changes.
“You create your reality, and reality is creating you.”
If we want to live another reality on this planet, we must collectively adopt a new consensus of reality, which requires a change in individual consciousness. As this change has an influence on all other consciousnesses: when we release or heal something within us, we instantly offer this healing potential to others. But it has to reach their field of consciousness, and they have to choose it.
Key points
- Matter is energy condensed into form, then released, at the speed of light, as the universe manifests itself, returns to the vacuum, manifests itself again etc.
- Each individual is a specific being, living different experiences although they are connected to the experiences of others through quantum vacuum.
- There is no linearity or separation, everything is only resonance in the present moment.
- If we want to live another reality on this planet, we must collectively adopt a new consensus of reality, which requires a change in individual consciousness.
Notes & references
[1] BITBOL Michel, La conscience a-t-elle une origine ? Des neurosciences à la pleine conscience : une nouvelle approche de l’esprit [Does consciousness have an origin? From neuroscience to mindfulness: a new approach to the mind], Paris : Flammarion, 2014, p.195
[2] See also the Consciousness and Energy series.
[3] WHEELER John Archibald, Complexity, entropy and the physics of information, Edited by Wojciech H.Zurek, Editions : Westview Press, 1990, p.10
[4] HARAMEIN Nassim, Nassim Haramein at Rogue Valley Metaphysical Library (1) [vidéo]
[5] HARAMEIN Nassim. (2013, 25 septembre). Nassim Haramein Complete [Podcast], free translation
[6] Ibid.
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