Quantum gravity
& Schwarzschild proton
DECEMBER 12, 2018 (updated on February 2, 2024)
Table of contents
In this article I don’t just talk about gravity, I talk about quantum gravity. What? The grail of physicists? That’s right! But what’s the connection between quantum gravity and Schwarzschild proton, you ask? And first of all, what is the relationship between a proton and Karl Schwarzschild, the first physicist to have solved Einstein’s field equations? That’s a lot of questions all at once… Let’s start at the beginning!
What is gravity?
Einstein’s field equations describe gravity by the curvature of space-time. It is as if the mass of an object was applied to a static flat surface, like a very heavy ball bending the surface of a trampoline. From this point of view, “gravity would not be an internal force of an object, but the way this force, applied to an object, modifies the structure of space-time” [1]. However, Einstein’s equations say nothing about the source of gravity. And, according to Nassim Haramein, they can’t do that because they don’t really take into account the rotation of the objects.
That’s why he changed Einstein’s equations. He reincorporated the gyroscopic effects [2] that were previously artificially suppressed to simplify calculations. In doing so, he also included torque [3] and Coriolis effects [4]. Then, he applied the latter to the system directly from space-time, which is formed, at the quantum level, of units of information called Planck spheres (PSU) [5].

In other words, he describes the very source of gravity – the origin of the curvature of space-time – as the coordinated rotation of the Planck spheres that make it up. In this model, space-time has a fundamental vortex (spin), which spreads in a density gradient from the smallest to the largest scales. This cascade of whirlpools explains the rotation of all objects in the universe.
To quantum gravity
In this model, the unification of the four interactions identified in physics also becomes possible. At the macroscopic level these are the gravitational and electromagnetic interactions. And on a microscopic level, these are:
- the strong interaction, that generates the cohesion of protons in the nucleus.
- the weak interaction, that generates the radioactive decay of subatomic particles, releasing energy in the form of various radiations.
The main difficulty in finding a theory unifying these four interactions is that, unlike the other interactions, the gravitational interaction cannot be expressed as discrete values. That is, as a set containing a finite number of values between any two values. On the contrary of a continuous set which can take an infinite number of values between any two values. This is the case of the space-time continuum of Einstein’s general relativity.
Nassim Haramein’s stroke of genius is to use Planck spheres as information units. This allows him to express gravity with discrete values, and thus make possible the unification of the four interactions.
May the gravity be with us…
In fact, he shows that the strong interaction is simply gravity acting at the quantum level, as I will detail it in the rest of this article. So that in the end, he only unifies gravity and electromagnetism.
“(…) I could even reduce these two forces into one: the gravitational force. Because if nothing is drawn to the center, there is no radiation. If there’s no force pulling towards the center, there’s no orbit. If there’s no orbit, there’s no radiation. So, the fundamental force is the force that attracts towards the center, the force that collapses towards the infinite, towards the singularity. And the consequence of this force is the electromagnetic field which is just a tiny part of what exists, which we call reality, because we see it radiate and we think it exists.”
Expressed with discrete values, gravity can apply to all scales. And what else can be found, from the infinitely small to the infinitely large, according to the theory of the connected universe? Black holes!
So now the question is:
Discrete values + black hole = ?

Not only ONE sphere [7], but a multitude of Planck Spheres (PSU), which contain information. The equatorial surfaces [8] of these spheres line the surface of the black hole according to the flower of life pattern (hence the main illustration in this article). There are 1060 PSU inside a proton and 1040 on its surface, which corresponds to the event horizon of a proton-black hole.
Finally, Nassim Haramein considers gravity as a ratio between the amount of information contained in the volume of a black hole and the amount of information expressed on its surface. Using this simple geometric ratio, he can calculate the gravitational field of any object in the universe, from the smallest to the largest black hole, including the proton.a
And may the vacuum be with the proton!
Applied at the cosmological level, the holographic solution gives the same result as the classical solution (Schwarzschild solution) for the mass of black holes. However, applied at the quantum level, the result is considerably different from what is measured in laboratory for the mass of the proton. Indeed, the holographic mass of the proton is 1014 g while the mass of the standard proton is 10-24 g.
The holographic mass actually means that the proton is a black hole. That’s why we can call it the Schwarzschild proton, because of the name of the German physicist who described the first theoretical black hole.
How can the difference between the two values be explained? Well, unlike standard mass, holographic mass takes into account the vacuum energy contained in the proton: 1055 g, the equivalent to the mass of the universe. Since this mass establishes the fact that the universe is a black hole, it necessarily establishes the fact that the proton is also a black hole.

But then, what's the real mass of a proton?
However, both proton mass values are correct. How is that possible? Because there is an inverse ratio of information between the standard mass and the holographic mass. These ratios correspond to two points of view, two different frames of reference.
For the standard proton, the frame of reference is the observer, which is equivalent to considering the proton separate from other protons. Whereas in the case of the Schwarzschild proton, the frame of reference is the universe, which is equivalent to considering the proton in relation to all the other protons in the universe.
So, in the first case, we only consider information present on the surface of the proton. Whereas in the second case, we also take into consideration the information in its volume.
Strong force = quantum gravity

That’s it : strong force = quantum gravity !
The difference in values between the holographic mass (1014g) and the standard mass of the proton (10-24g) is about 39 orders of magnitude. It’s considerably large. As large as the value of the strong force, which is equal to 1039 if gravity is 1. What does that mean? That the strong force does not exist as such: it is simply gravity expressed at the quantum level.
“The confinement force that protons experience in the nucleus of an atom (the so-called strong force, or strong interaction) is equivalent to the energy of the gravitational force that two protons would experience if they were mini black holes attracting each other.”
The importance of the frame of reference
So, let’s summarize. What does Nassim Haramein finally teach us? That sometimes we say the same thing but differently because our frames of reference are not the same! His point of view is similar to that of the French philosopher Michel Bitbol. Indeed, the physicist illustrates how approaching physics in terms of relationships rather than intrinsic properties makes physics meaningful again.
Illustration n°1

First, Nassim Haramein does not consider the mass of the proton as an intrinsic property. Rather, he considers the proton in relation to a frame of reference, that of the observer for the standard proton and that of the universe for the black hole proton. This can also be expressed as follows: the mass of the proton and the frame of reference appear dependently.
Illustration n°2
Secondly, gravity, related to this mass, is itself explained by a relationship. In this case a relationship between the information in the volume of a black hole and that expressed on its surface. Our understanding of quantum gravity depends on this relational perspective.
Illustration n°3
Thirdly, the values of the cosmological constant (10-29 g/cm3) and the quantum vacuum energy density (1093 g/cm3) are both correct, although they are separated by 120 orders of magnitude [10]. Indeed, Nassim Haramein shows that it is enough to extend the energy of the vacuum present in the volume of a proton black hole to the radius of the universe for the energy density of the vacuum of the universe to correspond exactly to the cosmological constant. Again, these values are different only because each is related to a particular frame of reference: the quantum scale for energy density of the vacuum and the cosmological scale for the cosmological constant.
“It is no longer necessary to choose whether Einstein’s cosmological constant is correct or whether Planck vacuum density is valid, because they are both correct and represent the evolution of the universe and all of its creation.”
The proton radius
Thanks to this new vision of things and the use of the smallest possible units – Planck spheres – Nassim Haramein calculates the proton radius very precisely. So precisely that this value is to date the closest theoretical prediction to what is measured in laboratory. Moreover, the measurement of the radius of charge RMS of the proton was validated by the CODATA value (Data Committee for Science and Technology which recommends a list of values of the fundamental physical constants) adjusted in 2018.
Moreover, this solution predicts the whole table of chemical elements where the standard model only predicts the hydrogen atom and then becomes less and less accurate.
I now invite you to discover what Nassim Haramein’s theory also has to say about biology and of course about consciousness.
Key points
- The source of gravity lies in the coordinated rotation of the Planck spheres that form space-time at the quantum level.
- Used as units of information, Planck spheres allow gravity to be expressed at the quantum level, with discrete values.
- Gravity is a ratio between the amount of information contained in the volume of black holes, present at all scales of the universe, and the amount of information expressed on their surface.
- The value of the proton mass, the difference in value between the cosmological constant and the energy density of the vacuum, and ultimatly quantum gravity, can only be apprehended in relation to a given frame of reference.
Notes & references
[1] HARAMEIN Nassim, L’Univers décodé ou la théorie de l’unification [The Universe decoded or the theory of unification], Québec : Editions Louise Courteau, 2012, p.57, free translation
[2] A gyroscope is a device that exploits the principle of conservation of angular momentum in physics (or gyroscopic effect). This fundamental law of mechanics is that in the absence of torque applied to a rotating solid, the solid retains its invariable axis of rotation. When a torque is applied to the unit, it causes precession (a gradual change in the orientation of the axis of rotation). (source : WIKIPEDIA)
[3] The moment of a force in relation to a given point is a physical vector quantity reflecting the ability of this force to make a mechanical system rotate around this point. In the case of rotation, the kinetic moment plays a role similar to that of the amount of motion for a translation. (source : WIKIPEDIA)
[4] The Coriolis force is a fictitious force acting perpendicularly to the direction of movement of a moving body in a frame of reference that is itself in uniform rotation, as seen by an observer sharing the same frame of reference. (source : WIKIPEDIA)
[5] Planck distance (1.616 x 10-33 cm) is the smallest limit that defines our relationship to the Universe. A Planck sphere is the smallest “energy packet”, the smallest significant electromagnetic vibration.
[6] HARAMEIN Nassim, quoted by International Space Federation FR
[7] Actually, a black hole is not quite a sphere but a double torus.
[8] The equatorial surface is the flat surface obtained when perfectly cutting a sphere in half.
[9] HARAMEIN Nassim, quoted by Resonance Science Foundation, op.cit.
[10] For a detailed explanation, you can read the section on quantum field theory.
[11] HARAMEIN Nassim, quoted by Resonance Science Foundation, op.cit.
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