between light and shadow
DECEMBER 22, 2023
Table of contents
Light and shadow have shaped the experience of the universe, and our own here on earth, since the dawn of time. This simple expression – the dawn of time – says a lot about our relationship with darkness…! I invite you in this article to rethink the shadow and the light. Perhaps we could have a wider perception of them?
We started to explore the universe as a synergistic interaction linking energy and consciousness in the two previous articles. Here I continue this exploration, both from a physical and a metaphysical point of view, with a new question: what place do light and shadow occupy in this synergy?
This should lead us to question some of the foundations of standard physics, such as singularities, or the existence of dark matter and dark energy.
But let’s first look at the notions of light and shadow…
Energy, shadow and light
Like everything manifest in the universe, light and shadow are both consciousness and energy. Thus the light of the soul has the same origin as the physical light. This is undoubtedly the highlight of its mystery…
The mystery of light
The basic unit of physical light is the photon. Although photons are quanta, or elementary “packets” of energy, light is both corpuscular and wave-like, another of its mysteries… Photons are electrically neutral and simply create light, with no agenda, so to speak.
“Among the trillions of mysteries of the cosmos, the most phenomenal is light. Unlike sound waves, whose transmission requires air or another material medium, light waves travel freely through the vacuum of interstellar space. Even the hypothetical ether [1], considered in the wave theory as the interplanetary medium of light, can be discarded on the Einsteinian basis [which wants] that the geometrical properties of space [2] render the theory of the ether useless. (…)
[Einstein] proves mathematically that the speed of light is, as far as the limited human mind is concerned, the only constant in a universe of continuous and unstable change. All human standards of space and time depend solely on the absolute character of the speed of light. (…) Time has abandoned its former status as an immutable value and is presented on the same level as space as a relative dimension. (…) With a few equations, with the strokes of his pen, Einstein banished from the cosmos any fixed reality other than light.”
On the physical level, light and shadow are interdependent. Like yin and yang, light and dark are always manifesting within each other. Thus, light is constantly entering and leaving darkness, just as darkness is constantly entering and leaving light. Thus, there is no separation between the two. But if light is the only fixed reality, what is the nature of the shadow?
Games of light and shadow
On the level of consciousness, or metaphysics, darkness simply embodies unlimited energy and unopened potential in the physical universe. Indeed, if from the point of view of consciousness, everything is already realized, this is not the case in the universe, which is gradually becoming conscious of itself.
The universe is mental and mental associates with the shadow all that it does not understand, does not know, does not want to know or no longer knows (karma). It has thus given a very bad reputation to darkness, and by the same token to the Feminine [4] and to the infinite, out of control for it… The mental continuously perceives darkness in the grip of light, in a system of duality where the latter is clearly not to its advantage. It is however interesting to observe how, beyond mental, the light always plays with the shadow:

“Since the avatars are free of all karma and are one with the light of God, nothing hinders the flow of light to pass through them.
They do, however, have the power to keep their consciousness on the earth plane according to the mission that God has assigned to them. That is why an avatar casts a shadow according to his degree of involvement in the lives of men [and thus may cast no shadow at all or leave no footprint on the ground].”
Still, the misperception of the mental has spread to theories of physics. In the absence of metaphysical thinking, light is only presented as having a limited speed, while the allusions to darkness are considerable: dark matter, dark energy, and perhaps at the top, black holes…
Black holes, a void of light?
As envisaged by standard physics, black holes trap light.
Do you understand the significance of this statement?
Nassim Haramein shows that the universe itself is a black hole. Fortunately, he has a different conception of it, otherwise it could become a bit scary! He also talks about consciousness, which allows me a little metaphysical digression:
The focus of consciousness activates energy, which travels as light waves according to the desires of the soul and human desires, and is eventually perceived as particles of matter by the observer. It is gravity that maintains reality as we know it within the time-space-energy continuum, until the focus of consciousness changes and creates a new center of gravity.
In other words, energy is always in communication. For Nassim Haramein, it circulates within black holes as well as from one black hole to another, that is to say in the whole universe. It drags in its wake the shadow and the light one might add.
Two interpretations of black holes, for two interpretations of gravity…
At the cosmological level, Einstein’s field equations express how matter and energy change the geometry of space-time. Einstein wrote these equations in 1915 but did not solve them. The first to do so, the following year, was the German physicist Karl Schwarzschild, who described the geometry of space-time when it is distorted – bent – by the gravitational field of a spherical object without rotation. In doing so, Schwarzschild described a black hole, the first theoretical black hole.
He demonstrated the existence of the so-called Schwarzschild radius, from which the mass of the black hole is so compact that an object would have to move faster than the speed of light to escape its gravitational attraction. Since this condition is impossible to satisfy, it follows that nothing, a priori, can escape from a black hole, not even light.
Does this mean that light would be completely trapped by darkness in certain regions of space? Not really. The physicist Gerard ‘t Hooft showed in 1993 that all the information contained in the volume of a black hole can be expressed in terms of information on its event horizon [6] . The information is then stored as a fingerprint. This is what Hooft called the holographic principle, highlighting the fact that no information is ever lost.
This is also the point of view of Nassim Haramein, for whom black holes are constantly exchanging information with each other. It is even thanks to this exchange that energy is created, which is called mass, in this case the holographic mass [7].
The mass of the black hole is concentrated in a point called the gravitational singularity.
Astrophysicist Jean-Pierre Luminet explains that “a singularity [is] (…) a zone of space-time where (…) the curvature becomes infinite (…) Not only does the curvature become infinite, [but] the physical parameters that can be associated, for example the density of matter, temperature, energy, etc., also become infinite” [8].
Beyond this definition, the real interest of Jean-Pierre Luminet’s statement lies in the fact that it gives an honest account of the attitude of physicists towards singularities:
“It is clear that physicists hate singularities, simply because they are outside the field of physics (…) There are no singularities only in general relativity, almost every theory of physics at some point has a singularity. When we look at the history of science, there have been considerable efforts to try to eliminate singularities by improving the theory. Each time the theory is improved, unexpected singularities appear, a bit like the Phoenix rising from its ashes in another form (…).
The status of singularities is rather mysterious and fascinating. We tend to think today that a really good theory of physics should not have any singularities, but this is perhaps the wishful thinking of the physicist who hates the fact that there may be regions of space-time totally inaccessible to his understanding and description, which would be the case of real singularities.”
Eliminate or accept singularities?
Let’s go back to gravity for a moment. From a metaphysical point of view, there is a mental gravity, which agglomerates thoughts and keeps the observer’s perception or emotional state so structured [10]. This usually makes it difficult for us to try to change, often leaving us stuck in the same behaviors.
The more we are able to go far beyond our ordinary perceptions, beyond our mental, the more we are able to reach a state out of the norm, a singular state. From there to think that instead of escaping the field of physics, a singularity escapes first and foremost the mental of physicists…!
If the singularities are the sign that all the light ends up being captured and that only the darkness remains, one can legitimately be tempted to eliminate them. “One” can be either the mental, which does not accept what is beyond it, or the soul, which knows that its light – in the sense here of an impulse of the consciousness – shines no matter what the mental thinks. In the second case, it will be a question of reviewing our definition of singularities.
This is what Nassim Haramein has done. He first explains the existence of singularities by geometry. On the one hand, the double torus structure of the vacuum has an equilibrium in its center, which results in a singularity from which the physical universe emerges. On the other hand, this structure follows a fractal law which implies a complementarity between the finite (the matter) and the infinite (the singularity).
So, as much as there is an external limit beyond which one cannot go (the horizon of events), there is no limit towards the interior (the infinity of the singularity). And the singularity suddenly becomes the path taken by the light [11] … It is then a completely different story that is written.
Light on dark matter and dark energy
Today, our standard model of physics predicts only 4 to 5% of the matter in our universe. The missing 95% is supposedly composed of dark matter and dark energy. Does this mean, once again, that light is mostly absent in the universe? Let’s take a closer look…
Dark energy is a hypothetical form of energy that fills the entire universe uniformly and has a negative pressure. It behaves like a repulsive gravitational force and would explain the acceleration of the expansion of the universe. Dark matter, on the other hand, does not fill the universe uniformly and normally interacts with gravitation. It designates a category of matter supposed to account for astrophysical observations, in particular the estimates of mass of galaxies and clusters of galaxies.
We will see that in Nassim Haramein’s theory there is a link between dark energy, dark matter and black holes: vacuum energy. But first let’s see how it all started…
Where do dark matter and dark energy come from?
When Karl Schwarzschild solved Einstein’s field equations in 1916, he described a static spherical black hole. It was not until 1965 and the solution of physicists Roy Kerr and Ezra Newman that a rotating black hole was described.
Although this solution is more realistic, it is not satisfactory for Nassim Haramein. Indeed, as it is also much more complex, it has been simplified by the two physicists, who have kept only the angular momentum of the rotation [12]. In other words, they have eliminated “the gyroscopic effects [13] (…), as we eliminate the torques and the Coriolis force [14] , and effects such as precession” [15] explains Nassim Haramein. And according to him, “this is a little trick of physics [that] really changes the results. Since all this is buried under huge interweavings of complexity that very few people on this planet are able to understand, no one has noticed it yet.” [16]
In order to exclude gyroscopic effects from their calculations, Kerr and Newman attached the reference frame – that is, the reference used to describe the motion of the black hole – to the black hole itself. Thus, an observer located in this frame of reference would have a modified relationship with the black hole: he would rotate at the same speed as the black hole and, therefore, would not feel any force exerted. The problem is that by doing this, physicists – or rather the standard equations – can only predict 4.9% of the mass of the universe… They must then fill in the missing 95.1% by adding the hypothetical dark matter (at 26.8%) and dark energy (at 68.3%).
What are dark energy and dark matter hiding?
Nassim Haramein’s solution detaches the frame of reference from the rotating black hole. From then on, “the torsional torque and the Coriolis force [are] applied to the system directly from the space-time” [17] indicates the physicist who has thereby modified Einstein’s field equations. Thus, where Einstein described the curvature of space-time to calculate the gravitational attraction, Nassim Haramein describes the source of gravity itself, at the origin of this curvature.
Gravity finally resides in the coordinated rotation of the Planck spheres – the smallest oscillations of the electromagnetic field – which constitute space-time. This one has a fundamental vortex (spin), which unfolds by successive differentials of density going respectively from the value of the energy density of the vacuum (1093 g/cm3 ) to the value of the cosmological constant (10-29 g/cm3 ), leading to the rotation of all objects in the universe.
In fact, Nassim Haramein has mathematically taken into account in his equations the energy present in the vacuum of space. Therefore, dark energy and dark matter added to make Einstein’s equations work are no longer necessary. The physicist shows that it is enough to extend the vacuum energy present in the volume of a proton – if and only if this one is a mini black hole [18]– to the radius of the universe so that the energy density of the vacuum of the universe corresponds exactly to the cosmological constant [19].
Only a very small percentage (10-39 %) of the vacuum oscillations available in the volume of a proton must be coherent and converted into mass-energy for the proton to be a black hole, thus endowed with a singularity and allowing light to pass. Nassim Haramein shows that there are only black holes in the universe, linked by a fractal law, finally giving light the possibility to circulate.
Key points
- The light of the soul has the same origin as the physical light.
- Light is constantly coming in and out of the darkness, just as darkness is constantly coming in and out of the light.
- The mental has given darkness a very bad reputation, which it has spread even to the theories of physics.
- Black holes do not trap light, they allow it to circulate via singularities.
- Dark energy and dark matter do not exist, only the energy present in the vacuum of space exists… and consciousness!
Notes & references
Energy, shadow and light
[1] See on this subject the article Unity, from ether to space.
[2] On the geometrical properties of space, it is not Nassim Haramein who will say the opposite!
[3] Paramhansa Yogananda, Autobiographie d’un yogi [Autobiography of a Yogi], Translation of the first edition published in 1946, Quebec: Babaji’s Kriya Yoga Editions, 2015, p.256-257, free translation
[4] Things are obviously more subtle, you can read the article on the gender principle to learn more.
[5] Paramhansa Yogananda, Autobiographie d’un yogi, op.cit., p.281
Black holes, a void of light
[6] The event horizon represents the boundary of a black hole from which the liberation speed reaches that of light.
[7] For more information, you can read the article Quantum gravity and Schwarzschild proton.
[8] LUMINET Jean-Pierre. (2002, novembre). L’Univers est-il infini ? [Is the Universe infinite ?] In : La Recherche, free translation
[9] Ibid.
[10] See on this subject the article thoughts + emotions = mental; In certain circumstances, gravity seems to relax and give access to an enlarged consciousness (read My story). See also the article The law of attraction: physical gravity, mental gravity.
[11] This can also be interpreted from an information point of view, see the section on black holes.
Light on dark matter and dark energy
[12] The momentum of a force with respect to a given point is a physical vector quantity that expresses the ability of this force to rotate a mechanical system around this point. In the case of rotation, the angular momentum plays a role similar to that of momentum in translation (from Wikipedia).
[13] A gyroscope is a device that exploits the principle of conservation of angular momentum in physics (or gyroscopic effect). This fundamental law of mechanics states that in the absence of torque applied to a rotating solid, it retains its invariable axis of rotation. When a torque is applied to the device, it causes a precession (a gradual change in orientation of the axis of rotation) (from Wikipedia).
[14] The Coriolis force is a fictitious force acting perpendicularly to the direction of motion of a body moving in a medium (a reference frame) itself in uniform rotation, as seen by an observer sharing the same reference frame (from Wikipedia)..
[15] HARAMEIN Nassim, L’Univers décodé ou la théorie de l’unification [The Universe decoded or the theory of unification], Québec : Editions Louise Courteau, 2012, p.60-61
[16] Ibid.
[17] Ibid.
[18] Seul un très petit pourcentage (10-39 %) des oscillations du vide disponibles dans le volume d’un proton doit être en cohérence et converti en masse-énergie pour que le proton soit un trou noir, doté donc d’une singularité et laissant passer la lumière.
[19] For details, see the section on quantum field theory and the publication of the Resonance Science Foundation.
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