What is space-time ?
DECEMBER 22, 2018 (updated on February 18, 2024)
Table of contents
The picture of this article gives you a little clue… Have you recognized it? Yes, the flower of life symbol! But how does Nassim Haramein connect this ancient symbol and the space-time manifold ? This is what I propose you to discover in this article.
Let’s start with some history first…
Space-time, from Albert Einstein to Nassim Haramein
From 2D to 3D
In 1916, Albert Einstein published the theory of general relativity. Space-time is described as a flexible surface, which can be represented by the surface of a trampoline. According to Einstein, the force exerted by gravity on a celestial object leads that surface to bend.
For Nassim Haramein, if the analogy of the trampoline describes the effect of gravity on the surface of space-time, it offers a comparison with a surface in two dimensions only. In order to be valid in our three-dimensional reality, this analogy must take into account an essential element: rotation. However, this element has been artificially neutralized by physicists in order to simplify the equations.
A double vortex please!
Nassim Haramein prefers to base his theory on observations. Therefore, he added torque [1] and Coriolis effects [2] to Einstein’s field equations to take into account for the inherent rotation of the universe. So, he describes a space-time that doesn’t just curve: it “falls” towards its center, singularity, curling like a vortex. Or, more precisely, like two vortex because it curls towards singularity from two opposite polarized directions.
The more space-time gets to singularity, the closer its speed gets to the speed of light. This generates enormous centrifugal forces that cause an expansion movement. Sooner or later it is slowed down by gravitational force, which channels it through the poles of the vortexes to bring it back to singularity.
Vortexes that define space-time are toroidal structures. More precisely, the universal topology of space-time is made of rotating double torus. The two torus of each vortex rotate in opposite directions. They continually expand and contract.
This modification of the structure of space-time proposed by Nassim Haramein is directly linked to his conception of the structure of black holes, which he describes as double torus.
A sea of black holes and wormholes
Black holes line space-time with tiny dots so that it looks like a sea of dynamic energy, or a sea of information pixelated by tiny entangled black holes. They communicate with each other through wormholes (see the article Indeterminism and quantum entanglement for more details). From the entanglement of black holes results the fact that the information they carry does not travel. As soon as information changes – what happens every moment – it appears instantaneously throughout the universe, which is holographic. Therefore, this “communication” takes place independently of the speed of light.
The sea of space-time energy exists at the finest level that is significant for defining our relationship to the universe: the Planck field. In other words, space-time is quantified in tiny vibrations at the quantum level. Nassim Haramein calls them Planck Spherical Units (PSU) [3]. These spheres rotate from the quantum level, causing all objects in the universe to spin. Thus, matter rotates because space-time, that defines matter, rotates at its smallest level, the Planck scale [4].
Space-time = space‐memory
Everything already exists in this quantum matrix as energy. But on our scale, we can’t perceive the granularity or the energy of the Planck field. Space-time appears to be smooth to us, matter seems to occupy space.
It’s just an appearance. In fact matter is not in space, it is an extension of space, an extension of the Planck energy field. It is constantly manifested from the energy of the vacuum, returns to the vacuum, manifests itself again, etc. thanks to the fundamental toroidal dynamics of space-time. From this point of view, there was not an original Big Bang that would have created matter once and for all, but there is a perpetual creation of matter.
However, each time it appears, the material world does so with slight differences. Because information it carries has been influenced by everything that has been created in the meantime. In other words, the creation of matter follows a feedback process.
As matter is manifested, information is encoded on the structure of space. In other words, information is progressively encoded, as experience manifests itself, at all levels in the universe. Each encoded information corresponds to precise spatio-temporal coordinates. We interpret the continuity of this encoding as the linear progression of time passing.
Nassim Haramein talks about memory of the universe, encoded on the structure of space. Therefore he uses the notion of space-memory rather than space-time to illustrate the fact that the universe is constantly learning about itself, at all levels.
How can such a possibility be explained from a physics point of view?
Space‐memory = flower of life
The small oscillations in Planck field are put all together in such a way that they represent, in two dimensions, the flower of life pattern.
More precisely, it is a correspondence between the vacuum geometry in three dimensions and its expression in two dimensions [5].
But this goes much further than a simple two-dimensional representation. The flower of life actually illustrates a physical principle known as the holographic principle. This one teaches us that each surface keeps the memory of all the information contained in its volume [6].
To be precise: the maximum amount of information a volume of space can contain is encoded on no more than a quarter of the surface that contains that volume.
It so happens that a quarter of the surface of a sphere is exactly equal to the flat surface of its half-sphere (its equatorial surface). Thus, the flower of life consists only of the equatorial surfaces of Planck spheres, which form the vacuum geometry. This means that the flower of life represents the necessary and sufficient surface area for the universe to encode all the information that exists. The flower of life is the invisible weft on which the universe encodes this information to keep it in memory.
Each piece of information is stored at precise and specific spatio-temporal coordinates, which constitute its gateway. As a matrix of the “space-memory” underlying matter. Matter is created continuously through it, at increasingly complex levels.
Key points
- Space-time is a sea of information pixelated by tiny entangled black holes, which communicate with each other through wormholes.
- Information is encoded on the structure of space, it is stored as it manifests itself. It is instantly communicated throughout the universe.
- The flower of life pattern lines the structure of space. It is the invisible weft on which the universe encodes information and keeps it in memory.
Notes & references
[1] The moment of a force in relation to a given point is a physical vector quantity reflecting the ability of this force to make a mechanical system rotate around this point. In the case of rotation, the kinetic moment plays a role similar to that of the amount of motion for a translation (source : WIKIPEDIA).
[2] The Coriolis force is a fictitious force acting perpendicularly to the direction of movement of a moving body in a frame of reference that is itself in uniform rotation, as seen by an observer sharing the same frame of reference (source : WIKIPEDIA).
[3] These units are, as we have just seen, composed of two torus that can be assimilated as a whole to a spherical shape.
[4] Not only does the pixelization of space-time explain rotation, but it also makes it possible to describe quantum gravity.
[5] To understand how the geometry of the vacuum was found by Nassim Haramein, you can consult the article on The fractal and holographic universe.
[6] See the article on the holographic universe and the article Gravity, entropy and self-organization.
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