The principle of rhythm
What links the principle of rhythm, art and physics? Nothing less than the geometry of the heart and its interaction with the universe. I invite you to join me in this fascinating exploration…
What links the principle of rhythm, art and physics? Nothing less than the geometry of the heart and its interaction with the universe. I invite you to join me in this fascinating exploration…
Vibration holds a special place in Hermetic teaching: it is considered as the fourth dimension of the universe. In this article, I propose to explore physics from the point of view of the principle of vibration…
The principle of correspondence is expressed in unity (the holographic principle), similarity (fractals) and harmony (resonance). It underpins the appearance in dependency of information on different planes…
Here I explore the possibility of reconciling the increase in entropy predicted by the second law of thermodynamics with the increase in self-organization in the universe…
Over the long term, chaotic systems end up oscillating around what appears to be a finite number of values. These values are said to accumulate on an attractor…
How does the theory of the connected universe explain matter and motion? What is the quantum vacuum? What about consciousness? Answers in infographics…
Quantum theory eliminates the infinity predicted by the equations by renormalization. Nassim Haramein reintroduces it thanks to fractals…
Imagine you want to buy a house. You’ll probably draw up a list of objective criteria, from which you’ll select the houses you want to visit. As you go along, however…
The principle of causality is not always obvious, when we can’t distinguish all the causes that have produced an effect, or when the time that elapses between a cause and its effect is so long that we can’t see the link between the two…