From quantum vacuum to matter
DECEMBER 9, 2019 (updated on February 21, 2024)
Table of contents
How does the theory of the connected universe explain matter and movement? What is the role of quantum vacuum? What about consciousness? The infographics on this page take up the key points of the theory developed by Nassim Haramein.
1. What is matter?
Matter represents 0.00001% of what exists. Vacuum 99.99999…%.
Matter is an extension of space, i.e. an extension of the planck field, or an extension of quantum vacuum.
2. What is movement?
On the scale of matter, everything appears to be separate. Information from quantum vacuum interacts with information from matter and it is modified by them. It informs in return quantum vacuum of these modifications.
Quantum vacuum contains all the information that all the matter in the universe constantly sends to it. All these informations are connected. We’re talking about a unified information field.
Informations coming from matter arrive in quantum vacuum and is modified by all the other informations there. Once renewed, they inform matter in return, etc.
That’s how what we do influences everything else in the universe.
3. The dynamics of learning
The universe, like the human being, learns about itself through feedback between matter and quantum vacuum. [1]
4. How does the theory of the connected universe explain matter, movement and learning?
Vacuum geometry
The geometrical combination of the star tetrahedron and the cuboctahedron forms the vacuum structure, consisting of 64 tetrahedrons, of which 144 faces are visible.
The vacuum geometry is polarized, it has a double torus structure. It is inscribed in a sphere, the most represented form in nature.
Feedback of information
The double torus allows a feedback of information. It is transmitted from matter to vacuum under the effect of gravity, and from vacuum to matter by electromagnetic radiations.
Space- memory
Space-time is represented by flowers of life at different scales. At the quantum level, space-time is a cosmic sea of energy, formed by tiny black holes that communicate with each other through passages called wormholes.
Information is distributed to all scales via black holes and wormholes. It encodes itself on the structure of space down to the level of matter (then we speak of space-memory).
The holographic principle
All the information contained inside a black hole is stored in holographic form on its event horizon (holographic principle).
The connected universe theory shows that black holes are present everywhere in the universe, from the infinitely small to the infinitely large. They are distributed according to a fractal law, they absorb and disseminate information, thus explaining the organization and coherence of the universe.
Black holes allow information to flow at all scales thanks to their double torus structure, which generates contraction and expansion movements.
The holographic solution describes gravity geometrically (without curvature of space-time).
Gravity is a relationship between the information contained within a given volume and the information outside, on its surface. [2]
5. What are the links with biology?
Each cell knows when, how and why to divide. Each cell also knows what all the other cells are doing. All these informations are coordinated. Why ? Because each cell – through DNA – has access to information present in the structure of space. Thus, the unified field is the great conductor behind this immense complexity.
6. What is consciousness? What is presence?
Consciousness expresses itself through all things, by means of the unified field of information. Reality is observed from an infinite number of perspectives, as so many realities that all contribute to the evolution of the Whole.
There is a point of absolute stillness in the center of each point. It is the absolute 0, which is the interaction, the interference of all energy movements at each moment (Planck/s) in each point. To get to that point is to be inside presence.
Notes & references
[1] On the subject of learning, take a look at the article How do we learn?
[2] To find out more, see the article on the fractal and holographic universe.
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