The principle of correspondence

Hermetic principles and geometry 3/8


« What is Above is like what is Below ; what is Below is like what is Above. » [1]


The prin­ciple of cor­res­pon­dence ema­nates from the prin­ciple of men­ta­lism, intro­du­ced in the pre­vious article. The essence of the prin­ciple of men­ta­lism lies in the link it esta­blishes bet­ween the Whole and the Universe, bet­ween Being and Becoming. The other six prin­ciples — inclu­ding the prin­ciple of cor­res­pon­dence — reveal their inter­ac­tions at the level of the uni­verse only.

To give an image, it’s a bit like if the prin­ciple of men­ta­lism was a flo­wer bud that we didn’t know it could « become », until sud­den­ly, it blos­so­med and expan­ded. A sort of bio­lo­gi­cal Big Bang, simul­ta­neous­ly giving birth to the prin­ciples and laws that form the uni­verse in which we evolve.

The notion of cor­res­pon­dence reveals pre­ci­se­ly this simul­ta­nei­ty, this appea­rance in depen­dence [2] of the other six prin­ciples. Perhaps this is the rea­son why Hermes sta­ted it just after the prin­ciple of mentalism ?

In any case, the prin­ciple of cor­res­pon­dence pro­vides fer­tile ground for the science of rela­tion­ships pro­po­sed by the phy­si­cist Nassim Haramein. Both this prin­ciple and this science are based on uni­ty, simi­la­ri­ty and har­mo­ny

Before detai­ling these aspects, and in order to bet­ter unders­tand them, I will focus on the mani­fes­ta­tion of the cor­res­pon­dence prin­ciple from the point of view of geo­me­try, the basis of the uni­fied field theo­ry  and the main theme of this series of articles.


From the point emerges the structure

« The law of cor­res­pon­dence (…) reaches only that aspect of the Whole which we can call « the aspect of beco­ming ». Behind this aspect is ‘the aspect of being’, in which all laws are lost in the Law, all prin­ciples merge in the Principle ; and the Whole, the Principle and the Being are iden­ti­cal, one and the same. »


The pre­vious article high­ligh­ted the sim­plest and most mys­te­rious geo­me­try of the men­ta­lism prin­ciple : the point. This one, sym­bol of the link bet­ween the Whole and the uni­verse, consti­tutes lite­ral­ly the point of pas­sage bet­ween the abso­lute and rela­tive worlds. Where the Laws and the Principles merge and mix. Where all the obser­vable dif­fe­rences in the uni­verse — up and down, femi­nine and mas­cu­line, cause and effect, posi­tive and nega­tive… — do not exist.

According to Nassim Haramein, in the uni­verse two geo­me­tric struc­tures at the base of all others emerge from the point : the cuboc­ta­he­dron and the tetra­he­dral star.

cuboctaedre-vecteur-equilibre   etoile-tetraedrique

The cuboc­ta­he­dron is for­med by 8 tetra­he­dra poin­ting in, while the tetra­he­dral star is for­med by 8 tetra­he­dra poin­ting out [3]. The inter­ac­tion of these two geo­me­tries — which have and can never exist inde­pen­dent­ly of each other — is the vacuum struc­ture.


The per­fect, neces­sa­ry and suf­fi­cient sym­me­try of this solid illus­trates that what is above is like what is below, and vice versa.

If up and down are the same, it is like saying that there is no up or down. However, there are dif­fe­ren­tia­ted things in the uni­verse. We will see in the next article how vibra­tion allows this rea­li­ty to occur.

For now, let’s conti­nue our exploration…


The principle of correspondence, a good principle in all respects

Three notions will help us to make the prin­ciple of cor­res­pon­dence more expli­cit : uni­ty, simi­la­ri­ty and harmony.

The Hermeticists teach that in the uni­verse there are three great planes : the phy­si­cal plane, the men­tal plane and the spi­ri­tual plane. They are each com­po­sed of 7 sub-planes, them­selves com­po­sed of 7 sub-planes. All these planes are divi­ded in appea­rance, but in rea­li­ty they form a uni­ty. Otherwise, no cor­res­pon­dence could be esta­bli­shed bet­ween them.

Unity is mate­ria­li­zed by the point, which always remains present in the heart of the geo­me­tric struc­ture of vacuum from which it ori­gi­nates. Everything that grows from the point remains in uni­ty. Nothing is ever sepa­ra­ted from any­thing. Everything is One, inter­t­wi­ned and inter­de­pendent. Everything comes from uni­ty and remains there fore­ver.

The prin­ciple of cor­res­pon­dence applies all the time and eve­ryw­here, whe­ther we are aware of it or not. It allows and main­tains constant rela­tion­ships and simi­lar mani­fes­ta­tions on the dif­ferent planes of existence.

Thus, uni­ty and simi­la­ri­ty ensure agree­ment and full cor­res­pon­dence bet­ween the dif­ferent planes. And as they form a whole and work towards the same end, har­mo­ny appears.

I pro­pose to dis­co­ver more concre­te­ly how the phy­sics of the uni­fied field reveal the uni­ty, the simi­la­ri­ty and the har­mo­ny which struc­ture the universe.


The principle of correspondence is expressed in the unit


« If it is true that eve­ry­thing is in The Whole, it is also true that The Whole is in everything. »

The simi­la­ri­ty that cha­rac­te­rizes the prin­ciple of cor­res­pon­dence allows us to deduce that if the whole is in the part, it is also true, at the uni­verse level, that the part is in the whole. In other words, there is as much infor­ma­tion in the uni­verse as there is in each point that makes it up. In phy­sics, this is explai­ned by holography.

holographie-et-principe-de-correspondanceIn order to unders­tand holo­gra­phy, we must think in terms of infor­ma­tion [4]. In phy­sics there is a so-called holo­gra­phic prin­ciple, accor­ding to which all the infor­ma­tion contai­ned in a volume is sto­red on the sur­face that contains it [5]. This prin­ciple applies to black holes, i.e. to the uni­verse accor­ding to the uni­fied field theo­ry. To the uni­verse and also to the smal­ler and smal­ler black holes it contains, down to the pro­ton found in the nucleus of atoms [6].

Holographically spea­king — in terms of infor­ma­tion — the pro­ton contains the mass of the uni­verse. This means that the holo­gra­phic mass of all the pro­tons in the uni­verse is contai­ned in one black hole pro­ton. Thus, the infor­ma­tion of all pro­tons is contai­ned in each proton.

What does this have to do with the prin­ciple of cor­res­pon­dence ? It’s simple : the holo­gra­phic mass of the pro­ton only makes sense if we consi­der the pro­ton in rela­tion to all the other pro­tons present in the uni­verse, thus in a unit. Contrary to the stan­dard mass of the pro­ton, which amounts to consi­de­ring it as sepa­rate from the others.

Only the holo­gra­phic mass of the pro­ton reflects the prin­ciple of cor­res­pon­dence, because it makes the pro­ton a black hole among all those which com­pose the uni­verse. It thus evolves in a uni­ty, a simi­la­ri­ty with its peers, and a har­mo­ny thanks to…


The proportion

From the infi­ni­te­ly small to the infi­ni­te­ly large, we observe the same gap bet­ween two black holes, name­ly a pro­por­tion of 1.618 (the gol­den ratio).

A rela­tion­ship of pro­por­tio­na­li­ty also exists bet­ween cer­tain oppo­sites. This is all the more inter­es­ting to observe as it brings into play the prin­ciple of pola­ri­ty, which we will have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to deve­lop in a future article.

In par­ti­cu­lar, there is a pro­por­tio­nal rela­tion­ship between :

  • The gra­vi­ta­tio­nal force and the elec­tro­ma­gne­tic force, the only two forces present in the uni­verse. The cuboc­ta­he­dron and the tetra­he­dral star pro­duce equal and oppo­site forces — res­pec­ti­ve­ly the gra­vi­ta­tio­nal force and the elec­tro­ma­gne­tic force — which evolve in a feed­back dyna­mic. Within this unit, each force is pro­por­tio­nal to the other.

  • fractales-et-principe-de-correspondanceEntropy (disor­der) and self-organization. The entro­py of a black hole mea­sures the amount of infor­ma­tion it contains. Entropy is pro­por­tio­nal to volume and inver­se­ly pro­por­tio­nal to gra­vi­ty, which is a ratio bet­ween the amount of infor­ma­tion contai­ned in the volume of a black hole and the amount of infor­ma­tion expres­sed at its sur­face. Thus, if it is true that the entro­py of the uni­verse increases, it can never increase dis­pro­por­tio­na­te­ly because it is inter­t­wi­ned with gra­vi­ty, which balances it per­ma­nent­ly by crea­ting order [7]. This pro­cess is made pos­sible by the frac­tal nature of the universe.


The principle of correspondence is expressed in the similarity


« The struc­ture of the micro­cosm is in accord with the struc­ture of the macro­cosm. » [8]


Who says simi­la­ri­ty, says frac­tal. A frac­tal is a struc­ture, a pat­tern that repeats itself ad infi­ni­tum by an ite­ra­tive pro­cess. This cha­rac­te­ris­tic, cal­led self-similarity, can be sta­ted as fol­lows : an enlar­ge­ment of a part of the frac­tal struc­ture inva­ria­bly makes the whole struc­ture reap­pear. This is simi­la­ri­ty — not simi­li­tude — because the level of infor­ma­tion always dif­fers, even slight­ly, from one frac­tal level to the next. No level is com­ple­te­ly simi­lar to another.

A frac­tal is built by homo­the­ty, which means that its struc­ture is repro­du­ced iden­ti­cal­ly at all scales, and ad infi­ni­tum. In other words, a frac­tal tends towards infi­ni­ty, and yet each of its levels gene­rates a limit. It illus­trates the com­ple­men­ta­ri­ty bet­ween the finite and the infi­nite [9].

Black holes are dis­tri­bu­ted from the quan­tum scale to the cos­mo­lo­gi­cal scale accor­ding to a frac­tal law and a holo­gra­phic model. Nassim Haramein speaks of a holo­frac­to­gra­phic uni­verse. This is how our uni­verse includes smal­ler black holes, while being itself inclu­ded in a lar­ger black hole.



Using the cor­res­pon­dence prin­ciple, we can observe the lower and higher frac­tal levels to solve com­plex para­doxes. Indeed, the same dyna­mics are found at all scales : what works for pla­nets, for example, also works for atoms.

Closer to home, ano­ther aspect of simi­la­ri­ty is also revea­led through the law of attraction.


The law of attraction

The law of attrac­tion is the result of the com­bi­na­tion of the 7 her­me­tic prin­ciples, each of which explains one facet. The prin­ciple of men­ta­lism, as its name indi­cates, has taught us that it is based on the mind and does not depend on time.

With the prin­ciple of cor­res­pon­dence we become aware of the rela­tion­ship of simi­la­ri­ty that under­lies the law of attrac­tion. To put it sim­ply, let us say that a thought attracts a simi­lar thought. Similar thoughts can only exist by vir­tue of the prin­ciple of cor­res­pon­dence. It has nothing to do with time, in fact, it is a ques­tion of two fre­quen­cies, or vibra­tions, which attract each other, or bet­ter, which reso­nate.

pensees-et-loi-d-attractionFor each fre­quen­cy emit­ted, the uni­verse must find a simi­lar fre­quen­cy. By emit­ted fre­quen­cy, we must unders­tand not eve­ry thought we emit but our most frequent thoughts [10] AND with which we feel good. Our most frequent thoughts AND the ones we feel bad with will have an equal­ly great power of attrac­tion… but will not create the same thing ! We need to moni­tor our thoughts AND how we feel with them. This will ensure that we create what we want ins­tead of what we don’t want. For we can­not stop creating !

The law of attrac­tion esta­blishes a cor­res­pon­dence bet­ween what is crea­ted men­tal­ly and what is mani­fes­ted [11]. It is a mir­ror bet­ween the invi­sible (the men­tal) and the visible (the mani­fes­ta­tion), bet­ween the inner and the outer. We could say that the mani­fes­ta­tion is the proof of what we vibrate.

The law of attrac­tion is thus based on simi­la­ri­ty. However, there is a spe­cial case of simi­la­ri­ty : simi­li­tude. And the lat­ter mani­fests itself when the inner and the outer cor­res­pond exact­ly here and now. This is the case when a syn­chro­ni­ci­ty occurs [12].


The principle of correspondence is expressed in harmony

As we have seen before, the law of attrac­tion is also based on reso­nance, a reso­nance that is itself clo­se­ly rela­ted to har­mo­ny. In music, for example, har­mo­ny is crea­ted by the reso­nance of sounds — cal­led har­mo­nics — whose fre­quen­cy is a whole mul­tiple of a fun­da­men­tal fre­quen­cy. In other words, har­mo­nics are — as if by chance ! — frac­tals. Of course, har­mo­ny is not limi­ted to music, as the uni­verse is com­po­sed of fre­quen­cies that reso­nate with each other to a grea­ter or les­ser extent [13].

In the uni­verse, har­mo­ny mani­fests itself through reso­nance bet­ween the dif­ferent planes of exis­tence. This is made pos­sible because each prin­ciple and law mani­fests on each plane.

According to the Hermetic phi­lo­so­phy, we evolve on three main planes of exis­tence. In order to unders­tand what we are tal­king about, we must think in terms of vibra­tions. Thus, we will unders­tand that these three planes do not exist inde­pen­dent­ly of each other, but within a vibra­to­ry continuum.


The different planes of existence


The plane we are the most fami­liar with is the phy­si­cal plane. It cor­res­ponds to the visible uni­verse, where forces, ener­gy and mat­ter are deployed. We have a direct expe­rience of it, given by the phy­si­cal and mate­rial mani­fes­ta­tions that we observe and expe­rience. In a natu­ral way, it is on this plane that we base our­selves to try to unders­tand the universe.

Then comes the men­tal plane, that of the thought pro­cesses. Its link with the phy­si­cal plane is at the level of the emo­tions, the mee­ting point of the mind and the body. The vibra­tio­nal spec­trum of the men­tal plane is very wide, which is why our thoughts — and the expe­riences on the phy­si­cal plane that result from them — can be the best or the worst…

Finally, the third plane is the spi­ri­tual plane. It repre­sents our link with the Whole. As we saw ear­lier, eve­ry­thing is men­tal in the uni­verse and the uni­verse is contai­ned in the soul of the Whole. We are the­re­fore evol­ving simul­ta­neous­ly in the uni­verse and in the Whole. When our thoughts are of great puri­ty, they flirt with the highest vibra­tions of crea­tion : they ema­nate from our spi­ri­tual men­tal.

As men­tio­ned ear­lier, these three great planes are each com­po­sed of 7 lower planes, them­selves com­po­sed of 7 sub-planes. However, these divi­sions remain more or less arti­fi­cial due to the vibra­tio­nal conti­nuum in which they exist. Thus, for example, there is no clear divi­sion bet­ween the higher phe­no­me­na of the phy­si­cal plane and the lower phe­no­me­na of the men­tal plane. Nor is there a clear divi­sion bet­ween the higher phe­no­me­na of the men­tal plane and the lower phe­no­me­na of the spi­ri­tual plane.


Continuum and limits

Finally, I would like to men­tion some­thing rather intri­guing. If we consi­der the 3 large planes each com­po­sed of 7 sub-planes, each com­po­sed of 7 sub-planes, we arrive at a total num­ber of planes equi­va­lent to 147 (7 x 7 x 3). This num­ber is very close to the num­ber of visible faces on the vacuum geo­me­try, name­ly 144.

In contrast, the vacuum struc­ture has a finite num­ber of facets, which are howe­ver only vibra­tion. The uni­fied field theo­ry states that the finite contains the infi­nite. We could say that mat­ter, finite, is made of vibra­tions, which are in an infi­nite conti­nuum. They are constant­ly evol­ving, chan­ging degrees on the scale of vibrations.

So, just as the 144 faces of the vacuum struc­ture are com­po­sed of vibra­tions that tend to infi­ni­ty, so are the 147 sub-planes of the uni­verse. Since the sepa­ra­tions bet­ween the degrees are arbi­tra­ry — some of them can some­times merge with others — the coun­ting of the sub-planes can­not be very pre­cise. It would then be rather a mat­ter of mul­ti­plying infi­nite num­bers close to 7, which would bring us to a result not close to 147 but close to 144.

And thus uni­fy the two approaches.




Key points

  • The notion of cor­res­pon­dence reveals the appea­rance in depen­dence of the prin­ciples and laws that govern the uni­verse, and this on dif­ferent levels.

  • The prin­ciple of cor­res­pon­dence is expres­sed in uni­ty (holo­gra­phic prin­ciple), simi­la­ri­ty (frac­tals) and har­mo­ny (reso­nance).

  • The law of attrac­tion is based on the prin­ciple of cor­res­pon­dence : what is mani­fes­ted in our expe­rience is simi­lar to what we have crea­ted mentally.




Notes and references

[1] Unless other­wise indi­ca­ted, all quotes are from the Kybalion.
[2] To bet­ter unders­tand the notion of appea­rance in depen­dence, you can consult the article Quantum phy­sics and rea­li­ty.
[3] We can see there the prin­ciple of gen­der, we will come back to it in the dedi­ca­ted article. You can also consult the inter­pre­ta­tion of these geo­me­tries that I had given in the article Sacred Connection.
[4] For a detai­led expla­na­tion, see the article on the holo­gra­phic uni­verse.
[5] Up to a quar­ter of this area.
[6] The holo­gra­phic mass takes into account the ener­gy of the vacuum contai­ned by the pro­ton : 1055  g. This is equi­va­lent to the mass of the uni­verse. Since this mass esta­blishes the fact that the uni­verse is a black hole, it neces­sa­ri­ly esta­blishes the fact that the pro­ton is also one. For more infor­ma­tion, see the article on the Schwarzschild pro­ton.
[7] For a more detai­led expla­na­tion, see the article on gra­vi­ty, entro­py and self-organization.
[8] The Emerald Table — Apollonius of Tyana : The Book of the Secret of Creation and the Art of Nature or Book of Balinus the Wise on Causes.
[9] See also the article devo­ted to frac­tals.
[10] This is rela­ted to the fact that if you feed a sys­tem enough of a cer­tain inten­tion, it can­not help but mani­fest it. You can consult the series of articles devo­ted to the but­ter­fly effect.
[11] We are tal­king about simi­la­ri­ty because what we create does not depend only on us : we co-create it. For more infor­ma­tion, see the article on quan­tum conscious­ness.
[12] See the series of articles devo­ted to syn­chro­ni­ci­ties.
[13] To learn more, you can consult the sec­tion devo­ted to reso­nance


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