Science of relations


Metaphysics and physics

Consciousness and ener­gy 1/3 If I were asked what the uni­verse is made of, I would spon­ta­neous­ly talk about conscious­ness and infor­ma­tion. Energy would not come very

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The butterfly effect 3/5

Irreversibility, memo­ry and entro­py Butterfly effect, fur­ther inves­ti­ga­tion ! Before conti­nuing your rea­ding, it is still time to explore the his­to­ry of chaos theo­ry and broaden

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The butterfly effect 2/5

From chaos to inter­de­pen­dence « In eve­ry chaos, there is a cos­mos, in eve­ry disor­der, a secret order. » [1] This article fol­lows the one on chao­tic sys­tems, in

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The butterfly effect 1/5

Chaotic sys­tems                  October 15, 2017, 22:21, Alyssa Milano tweets : « If you have been sexual­ly haras­sed or assaul­ted, write ‘Me too’ in res­ponse to this tweet.

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