

The principle of vibration

Hermetic prin­ciples and geo­me­try 4/8 « Nothing res­ts ; eve­ry­thing stirs ; eve­ry­thing vibrates. » [1]                        The third prin­ciple sta­ted by Hermes, the prin­ciple of vibra­tion should be

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The butterfly effect 4/5

Gravity, entro­py and self-organization After explo­ring the his­to­ry of chao­tic sys­tems and begin­ning to put chaos theo­ry into pers­pec­tive with Nassim Haramein’s theo­ry of the

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The butterfly effect 1/5

Chaotic sys­tems                  October 15, 2017, 22:21, Alyssa Milano tweets : « If you have been sexual­ly haras­sed or assaul­ted, write ‘Me too’ in res­ponse to this tweet.

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Chance or resonance ? 4/4

Last part of the series dedi­ca­ted to syn­chro­ni­ci­ty ! It fol­lows articles on the his­to­ry of syn­chro­ni­ci­ties and the role of the uncons­cious in the appearance

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