Objectivity and subjectivity


Chance or resonance ? 4/4

Last part of the series dedi­ca­ted to syn­chro­ni­ci­ty ! It fol­lows articles on the his­to­ry of syn­chro­ni­ci­ties and the role of the uncons­cious in the appearance

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From duality to unity 1/3

Objectivity and sub­jec­ti­vi­ty : the uni­fied per­cep­tion « How can the « illu­sion » of an out­side world lead to an effec­tive science ? » [1]                If I stick to my

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The conscious experience

This article is a follow-up to Brain, Science and Consciousness, in which I explore the theme of conscious­ness from a medi­cal pers­pec­tive. In par­ti­cu­lar, I address the dif­ferent fields

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