Matter and quantum vacuum


The butterfly effect 4/5

Gravity, entro­py and self-organization After explo­ring the his­to­ry of chao­tic sys­tems and begin­ning to put chaos theo­ry into pers­pec­tive with Nassim Haramein’s theo­ry of the

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From finite to infinity 1/2

Movement and per­cep­tion « Can a move­ment roo­ted in the uni­verse of real ever reach the truth ? » [1]                     An expe­rience bet­ween per­cep­tion and rea­li­ty So far

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Quantum consciousness

The uni­fied field theo­ry is based on a deep unders­tan­ding of what conscious­ness is. Consciousness expresses itself at all scales of the uni­verse, from quan­tum to

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Quantum Biology

Biology leads us straight to my expe­rience ! During the aneu­rysm rup­ture that shook me, my men­tal stop­ped (read My Story for more infor­ma­tion). This had

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