

The principle of mentalism

Hermetic prin­ciples and geo­me­try 2/8 « The Whole is Spirit ; the Universe is Mental. » [1] The prin­ciple of men­ta­lism was the first of the seven principles

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From Hermes to Nassim Haramein

Hermetic prin­ciples and geo­me­try 1/8    I dis­co­ve­red the her­me­tic prin­ciples a few years ago, during a course led by Madeleine. Three months before I found myself in

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The butterfly effect 4/5

Gravity, entro­py and self-organization After explo­ring the his­to­ry of chao­tic sys­tems and begin­ning to put chaos theo­ry into pers­pec­tive with Nassim Haramein’s theo­ry of the

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The butterfly effect 2/5

From chaos to inter­de­pen­dence « In eve­ry chaos, there is a cos­mos, in eve­ry disor­der, a secret order. » [1] This article fol­lows the one on chao­tic sys­tems, in

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From finite to infinity 2/2

From renor­ma­li­za­tion to frac­tals                      « Quantum field theo­ry, to date, [eli­mi­nates] through a pro­cess of renor­ma­li­za­tion, (…) an ener­gy den­si­ty that would be for­mal­ly infi­nite if

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