Black hole


The butterfly effect 4/5

Gravity, entro­py and self-organization After explo­ring the his­to­ry of chao­tic sys­tems and begin­ning to put chaos theo­ry into pers­pec­tive with Nassim Haramein’s theo­ry of the

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Synchronicite Yin Yang

Chance or resonance ? 1/4

The term « syn­chro­ni­ci­ty » first appea­red in 1928 and was coi­ned by the Swiss psy­cho­ana­lyst Carl Gustav Jung. After many revi­sions of the concept, he defined

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From duality to unity 2/3

The holo­gra­phic uni­verse : the under­lying unit « You’re not a drop in the ocean, you’re the ocean in a drop. » [1]   « I think my life in phy­sics is

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Indeterminism and entanglement

Did you sur­vi­ved the Schrödinger’s cat expe­rience revi­si­ted ? Does the new inter­pre­ta­tion of the wave/particle dua­li­ty no lon­ger hold any secrets for you ? Then you

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What is space-time ?

The pic­ture of this article gives you a lit­tle clue…  Have you reco­gni­zed it ? Yes, the flo­wer of life sym­bol ! But how does Nassim Haramein connect

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