From Hermes to Nassim Haramein

Hermetic principles and geometry 1/8


I dis­co­ve­red the her­me­tic prin­ciples a few years ago, during a course led by Madeleine. Three months before I found myself in the emer­gen­cy room because of a rup­tu­red aneu­rysm, to be pre­cise. I took the time I nee­ded to reco­ver from this unex­pec­ted, pro­found and trying expe­rience [1], then I tried to unders­tand it. And against all odds, I ended up stu­dying physics…

The her­me­tic prin­ciples thus remai­ned for a long time slee­ping — or per­haps matu­ring — in my desk dra­wer. Until their reso­nance with Nassim Haramein’s Unified Field Theory [2] became clear to me. The more I obser­ved the rela­tion­ship bet­ween these two views of the uni­verse, the more I was ama­zed at how uni­fied phy­sics confirms the tea­chings of the Hermetists.

Today, I pro­pose that you set off to dis­co­ver this remar­kable conver­gence. A jour­ney that will include no less than eight stops ! And we start with a dive towards the ori­gins of the her­me­tic teaching…


The origins


The foun­ding text dis­se­mi­na­ting the pro­found wis­dom that comes to us from ancient Egypt is cal­led the Kybalion. A book mar­ked with the seal of mys­te­ry, just like its title, whose exact mea­ning has been lost. Published in 1908 by a trio of no less mys­te­rious authors, the « Three Initiates », it trans­mits the tea­chings of the Egyptian God Thoth, whom the Greeks later equa­ted with Hermes.

Hermes Trismegistus, his full name, Hermes tris­me­gis­tos in Greek, means « Hermes three times very great ». The word « great » would refer to the extent and qua­li­ty of his lear­ning, while « thrice » would refer to his triple attri­bute of priest, phi­lo­so­pher and king. Unless it is rela­ted to the three planes of exis­tence - phy­si­cal, men­tal and spi­ri­tual — taught by the Hermetics. Unless it is some­thing else again…

The Kybalion places the life of Hermes long before that of Moses. A contem­po­ra­ry of Abraham, Hermes is said to have lived for 300 years, before the Egyptians dei­fied him as Thoth at his death. Guardian of time, which he mea­su­red and cal­cu­la­ted, Thoth was also the mas­ter of magic, and more par­ti­cu­lar­ly of the art of crea­ting through thought and speech.

Its tea­chings have spread from Egypt to India. They also cros­sed the cen­tu­ries thanks to a small num­ber of Initiates who knew how to pre­serve their pure and sacred cha­rac­ter. The trans­mis­sion of the tea­ching has always been done oral­ly and dis­creet­ly, to those who were dee­med wor­thy of unders­tan­ding it, then kee­ping it secret or trans­mit­ting it in their turn. « The lips of wis­dom are clo­sed except to the ears of rea­son » [3] the Kybalion tells us before any­thing else.


The hermetic teaching

Hermes is consi­de­red the foun­ding father of astro­lo­gy, psy­cho­lo­gy and alche­my. However, far from having wan­ted to make a thought that would have domi­na­ted the world, he pre­fer­red to sow seeds of truth and let them grow free­ly. This is how the Initiates have trans­mit­ted them, always res­pec­ting the tradition.

Hermes pos­ses­sed inner and outer know­ledge, know­ledge of the visible and the invi­sible. He also taught the pre­pon­de­rance of men­tal forces over those of mat­ter. And this is how the legend of the Philosopher’s Stone, which allows the trans­for­ma­tion of the vile metal into gold, final­ly becomes only an alle­go­ry of the her­me­tic phi­lo­so­phy for which « the true trans­mu­ta­tion (…) is a men­tal art ».

Based on 7 prin­ciples, the tea­ching of Hermes offers a path of evo­lu­tion in accor­dance with the laws of nature. It focuses on the stu­dy, know­ledge and control of causes rather than effects. If we know how to unders­tand it and use it cor­rect­ly, it will make us grow, on all levels.

The 7 her­me­tic prin­ciples are as follows :

  1. The prin­ciple of mentalism
  2. The prin­ciple of correspondence
  3. The prin­ciple of vibration
  4. The prin­ciple of polarity
  5. The prin­ciple of rhythm
  6. The prin­ciple of cause and effect
  7. The prin­ciple of gender


« The prin­ciples of truth are seven in num­ber ; The one who knows and unders­tands them pos­sesses the magic key that will open all the doors of the temple even before he touches them. »


Indeed, our per­cep­tion of the uni­verse changes signi­fi­cant­ly in the light of these prin­ciples. Suddenly, the uni­verse is no lon­ger ran­dom and chao­tic, but order­ly and intel­li­gent.

And this is where the link with the uni­fied field theo­ry becomes inter­es­ting to explore. 


Geometry and hermetic principles

A small cla­ri­fi­ca­tion before going any fur­ther : times are chan­ging and nowa­days, her­me­tic prin­ciples can easi­ly be found in books­tores or on the Internet. I don’t know if the authors of the Kybalion could have fore­seen this and, if so, would have wan­ted to pre­serve the tea­ching from being so wide­ly dis­tri­bu­ted, but the fact remains that the Kybalion does not real­ly offer an imme­diate unders­tan­ding of its contents…! This is of course by desi­gn : such a small book for such great tea­chings, what could be more revea­ling of the her­me­tic spi­rit ?

So why would I want to reveal more ? Because times are chan­ging, and it seems appro­priate to me to accom­pa­ny the emer­gence of the evo­lu­tion of conscious­ness that is pre­sen­ted to us, par­ti­cu­lar­ly in connec­tion with the theo­ry of the uni­fied field.

So let’s conti­nue our explo­ra­tion ! To car­ry out this explo­ra­tion, I relied first and fore­most on geo­me­try. It is the basis of Nassim Haramein’s theo­ry and has the advan­tage of offe­ring a first intui­tive and acces­sible approach to the 7 prin­ciples. One could say that it makes them visible. They belong to the world of the invi­sible – the her­me­tic world ! — although they are at the ori­gin of eve­ry mani­fes­ta­tion in the phy­si­cal universe.

The geo­me­tri­cal repre­sen­ta­tion to which I will refer must howe­ver remain what it is : a repre­sen­ta­tion. An aid to unders­tan­ding. Not a direct access to the mys­te­ry of crea­tion… it will not let itself be pier­ced so easily !


The teaching of 2D

My ori­gi­nal idea was to present the prin­ciples dif­fe­rent­ly, in a non-linear way and without chro­no­lo­gy, at least at first. Here’s what it looks like in two dimensions :




First of all, we note that the geo­me­try of the hexa­gon (left) and that of the six-pointed star (right) each offer seven places for seven prin­ciples. This leads to a first ques­tion : would the prin­ciples have a pre­de­fi­ned place or order ?

Yes and no.

No, because they act inter­de­pen­dent­ly and simul­ta­neous­ly. We will see that we can­not stu­dy one prin­ciple inde­pen­dent­ly of ano­ther. Everything is lin­ked and it is not the uni­fied field theo­ry — also known as the connec­ted uni­verse theo­ry — that will show the contra­ry ! Symbolically, we can see here that any rota­tion allo­wing to replace a ver­tice by ano­ther one will make again – and for both figures –  appear the same geometry.

And yes, because men­ta­lism seems to be a key prin­ciple to unders­tan­ding the other six. In both figures, there is one and only one place that is not inter­chan­geable : the cen­ter. The cen­ter has this par­ti­cu­lar role of allo­wing both rota­tion and sym­me­try, while remai­ning unchan­ged in each of these trans­for­ma­tions. This is why I would intui­ti­ve­ly choose this place for the prin­ciple of mentalism.

Moral : As the 7 prin­ciples appear in depen­dence to under­lie the mani­fes­ta­tion of phe­no­me­na, no notion of order ever has time to exist bet­ween them. Nevertheless, there remains a first prin­ciple : men­ta­lism. Moreover, it would also seem that pre­sen­ting the prin­ciples in a cer­tain order faci­li­tates our limi­ted human unders­tan­ding. All the more rea­son to stick, in the fol­lo­wing articles, to the order trans­mit­ted by Hermes.


The teaching of 3D

Two-dimensional geo­me­try is fine, but it is not repre­sen­ta­tive of the uni­verse we live in ! Let’s go to 3D, where the hexa­gon becomes a cuboc­ta­he­dron and the six-pointed star becomes a tetra­he­dral star :


cuboctaedre-vecteur-equilibre etoile-tetraedrique


Obviously, these geo­me­tries have not been cho­sen at ran­dom, and if you know this blog well, they should even remind you some­thing… ! I’ll come back to this in a moment, just to cla­ri­fy that bet­ween the 2D and 3D ver­sions, the num­ber of ver­tices goes from 6 to 12 for the cuboc­ta­he­dron and from 6 to 8 for the tetra­he­dral star. This doesn’t real­ly impact the pre­vious 2D consi­de­ra­tions, which were only pro­po­sed for explo­ra­to­ry pur­poses. However, the inter­es­ting point — since it is not alte­red by the pas­sage from one dimen­sion to ano­ther — is that in 3D, there always remains a cen­ter, of rota­tion and sym­me­try. We will see why, when the time comes, this point can only be the seat of the prin­ciple of mentalism.

In the mean­time, fol­lo­wers of this blog, the cuboc­ta­he­dron and the tetra­he­dral star should remind you of the femi­nine and mas­cu­line prin­ciples. At least as I iden­ti­fied them in the article Sacred Connection, to inter­pret the Unified Field Theory differently.

When we speak of femi­nine and mas­cu­line prin­ciples, we are spea­king of the prin­ciple of gen­der. If it is the seventh and last prin­ciple sta­ted by Hermes — I will come back to it in detail in the last article of this series (online soon) — it is, para­doxi­cal­ly, the geo­me­try at the base of Nassim Haramein’s theo­ry. Fortunately, the Hermetists are not far from a para­dox ! Moreover, for them « all para­doxes can be recon­ci­led ». So, per­haps the first six prin­ciples are contai­ned in the seventh AND the last six are contai­ned in the first ?


A fourth dimension ?

Let’s go back to phy­sics for a moment. When he publi­shed the theo­ry of spe­cial rela­ti­vi­ty in 1905, Einstein lin­ked to the three dimen­sions of space a fourth dimen­sion, that of time. This gave rise to the concept of space-time, which has been used in rela­ti­vis­tic phy­sics ever since.

From the point of view of the Hermetists, time and space are part of the uni­verse, but « behind the uni­verse of time and space there is always the sub­stan­tial rea­li­ty, the fun­da­men­tal truth. This fun­da­men­tal truth is what they call the Whole. The Whole is the­re­fore time­less, unlike the uni­verse. One could also say that the Whole is the time­less at the heart of the tem­po­ral. For if the prin­ciples under­lying the appea­rance of phe­no­me­na are expres­sed only in the space-time sphere, this does not mean that the Whole is exclu­ded from it. Far from it…

I will try to tame the Whole more in the article on the prin­ciple of men­ta­lism. Let’s just men­tion here that this prin­ciple is the only major dif­fe­rence bet­ween modern science and the her­me­tic doc­trine, accor­ding to the Kybalion. One could also see this prin­ciple as the link bet­ween time and « non-time », and deduce that time was never­the­less of par­ti­cu­lar impor­tance to the Hermetists as well.

It is not so. On the other hand, accor­ding to them, there is indeed a fourth dimen­sion. But it is not tem­po­ral. It is vibra­to­ry, as we will see in the article devo­ted to the prin­ciple of vibra­tion.


From dimension to dimension

For Nassim Haramein, the ques­tion of time and dimen­sions is posed dif­fe­rent­ly again…!

On the one hand, he explains that « time without memo­ry does not exist » [4]. The notion of memo­ry being pre­do­mi­nant in his theo­ry, time does not occu­py as fun­da­men­tal a place as in the stan­dard theo­ry. On the other hand, vibra­tion occu­pies a spe­cial place in the connec­ted uni­verse since, accor­ding to the phy­si­cist, « there is no geo­me­tric struc­ture without vibra­tion ». Another point in com­mon with the Hermetists !

On the other hand, he consi­ders dimen­sions only as frac­tal levels. Thus each frac­tal level gene­rates mate­rial mani­fes­ta­tions of increa­sin­gly lar­ger dimen­sions (or sizes). These appear thanks to the geo­me­tri­cal dyna­mics gene­ra­ted by the cuboc­ta­he­dron and the tetra­he­dral star, we will come back to this.

To the frac­tal prin­ciple, Nassim Haramein adds a holo­gra­phic prin­ciple. Thus, our uni­verse is construc­ted and phy­si­cal­ly unfolds in the illu­sion of a sepa­ra­tion at the heart of which rei­gns uni­ty. In the same way, in the her­me­tic tea­ching, the prin­ciples only make sense when there is sepa­ra­tion. Separation is, of course, illu­so­ry since the Whole rei­gns supreme.

Thus, we can see the reso­nances bet­ween her­me­tic phi­lo­so­phy and the uni­fied field theo­ry. And I believe that this basis will allow us to approach the first Hermetic prin­ciple, the prin­ciple of men­ta­lism.




Notes and references


[1] Read my sto­ry to find out more and dis­co­ver who Madeleine is.
[2] You can read the articles about Nassim Haramein and his theo­ry for a scien­ti­fic approach, or you can conti­nue rea­ding here to dis­co­ver the spi­rit of his work.
[3] Unless other­wise indi­ca­ted, all quotes in ita­lics are from the Kybalion.
[4] For more infor­ma­tion, see the article on Irreversibility, Memory and Entropy.


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