What is space-time ?

The pic­ture of this article gives you a lit­tle clue…  Have you reco­gni­zed it ? Yes, the flo­wer of life sym­bol ! But how does Nassim Haramein connect this ancient sym­bol and the space-time mani­fold ? This is what I pro­pose you to dis­co­ver in this article.

Let’s start with some his­to­ry first…


Space-time, from Albert Einstein to Nassim Haramein

From 2D to 3D

In 1916, Albert Einstein publi­shed the theo­ry of gene­ral rela­ti­vi­ty. Space-time is des­cri­bed as a flexible sur­face, which can be repre­sen­ted by the sur­face of a tram­po­line. According to Einstein, the force exer­ted by gra­vi­ty on a celes­tial object leads that sur­face to bend.

For Nassim Haramein, if the ana­lo­gy of the tram­po­line des­cribes the effect of gra­vi­ty on the sur­face of space-time, it offers a com­pa­ri­son with a sur­face in two dimen­sions only. In order to be valid in our three-dimensional rea­li­ty, this ana­lo­gy must take into account an essen­tial ele­ment : rota­tion. However, this ele­ment has been arti­fi­cial­ly neu­tra­li­zed by phy­si­cists in order to sim­pli­fy the equations.


A double vortex please !

double-rotation-of-a-black-holeNassim Haramein pre­fers to base his theo­ry on obser­va­tions. Therefore, he added torque [1] and Coriolis effects [2] to Einstein’s field equa­tions to take into account for the inherent rota­tion of the uni­verse. So, he des­cribes a space-time that doesn’t just curve : it « falls » towards its cen­ter, sin­gu­la­ri­ty, cur­ling like a vor­tex. Or, more pre­ci­se­ly, like two vor­tex because it curls towards sin­gu­la­ri­ty from two oppo­site pola­ri­zed directions.

The more space-time gets to sin­gu­la­ri­ty, the clo­ser its speed gets to the speed of light. This gene­rates enor­mous cen­tri­fu­gal forces that cause an expan­sion move­ment. Sooner or later it is slo­wed down by gra­vi­ta­tio­nal force, which chan­nels it through the poles of the vor­texes to bring it back to singularity.


Vortexes that define space-time are toroi­dal struc­tures. More pre­ci­se­ly, the uni­ver­sal topo­lo­gy of space-time is made of rota­ting double torus. The two torus of each vor­tex rotate in oppo­site direc­tions. They conti­nual­ly expand and contract.

This modi­fi­ca­tion of the struc­ture of space-time pro­po­sed by Nassim Haramein is direct­ly lin­ked to his concep­tion of the struc­ture of black holes, which he des­cribes as double torus (see the article The frac­tal and holo­gra­phic uni­verse).


A sea of black holes and wormholes

Black holes line space-time with tiny dots so that it looks like a sea of dyna­mic ener­gy, or a sea of infor­ma­tion pixe­la­ted by tiny entan­gled black holes. They com­mu­ni­cate with each other through worm­holes (see the article Indeterminism and entan­gle­ment for more details). From the entan­gle­ment of black holes results the fact that the infor­ma­tion they car­ry does not tra­vel. As soon as infor­ma­tion changes – what hap­pens eve­ry moment – it appears ins­tan­ta­neous­ly throu­ghout the uni­verse, which is holo­gra­phic. Therefore, this « com­mu­ni­ca­tion » takes place inde­pen­dent­ly of the speed of light.

planck-s-fieldThe sea of space-time ener­gy exists at the finest level that is signi­fi­cant for defi­ning our rela­tion­ship to the uni­verse : the Planck field. In other words, space-time is quan­ti­fied in tiny vibra­tions at the quan­tum level. Nassim Haramein calls them Planck Spherical Units (PSU) [3].

These spheres rotate from the quan­tum level, cau­sing all objects in the uni­verse to spin. Thus, mat­ter rotates because space-time, that defines mat­ter, rotates at its smal­lest level, the Planck scale [4].


Space-time = space-memory

Everything alrea­dy exists in this quan­tum matrix as ener­gy. But on our scale, we can’t per­ceive the gra­nu­la­ri­ty or the ener­gy of the Planck field. Space-time appears to be smooth to us, mat­ter seems to occu­py space.

grass-and-particlesIt’s just an appea­rance. In fact mat­ter is not in space, it is an exten­sion of space, an exten­sion of the Planck ener­gy field. It is constant­ly mani­fes­ted from the ener­gy of the vacuum, returns to the vacuum, mani­fests itself again, etc. thanks to the fun­da­men­tal toroi­dal dyna­mics of space-time. From this point of view, there was not an ori­gi­nal Big Bang that would have crea­ted mat­ter once and for all, but there is a per­pe­tual crea­tion of matter.

However, each time it appears, the mate­rial world does so with slight dif­fe­rences. Because infor­ma­tion it car­ries has been influen­ced by eve­ry­thing that has been crea­ted in the mean­time. In other words, the crea­tion of mat­ter fol­lows a feed­back pro­cess.

As mat­ter is mani­fes­ted, infor­ma­tion is enco­ded on the struc­ture of space. In other words, infor­ma­tion is pro­gres­si­ve­ly enco­ded, as expe­rience mani­fests itself, at all levels in the uni­verse. Each enco­ded infor­ma­tion cor­res­ponds to pre­cise spatio-temporal coor­di­nates. We inter­pret the conti­nui­ty of this enco­ding as the linear pro­gres­sion of time passing.

Nassim Haramein talks about memo­ry of the uni­verse, enco­ded on the struc­ture of space. Therefore he uses the notion of space-memory rather than space-time to illus­trate the fact that the uni­verse is constant­ly lear­ning about itself, at all levels.

How can such a pos­si­bi­li­ty be explai­ned from a phy­sics point of view ?


Space-memory = flower of life

The small oscil­la­tions in Planck field are put all toge­ther in such a way that they represent, in two dimen­sions, the flo­wer of life pat­tern.

More pre­ci­se­ly, it is a cor­res­pon­dence bet­ween the vacuum geo­me­try in three dimen­sions and its expres­sion in two dimen­sions [5].




But this goes much fur­ther than a simple two-dimensional repre­sen­ta­tion. The flo­wer of life actual­ly illus­trates a phy­si­cal prin­ciple known as the holo­gra­phic prin­ciple. This one teaches us that each sur­face keeps the memo­ry of all the infor­ma­tion contai­ned in its volume [6].

To be pre­cise : the maxi­mum amount of infor­ma­tion a volume of space can contain is enco­ded on no more than a quar­ter of the sur­face that contains that volume.

It so hap­pens that a quar­ter of the sur­face of a sphere is exact­ly equal to the flat sur­face of its half-sphere (its equa­to­rial sur­face). Thus, the flo­wer of life consists only of the equa­to­rial sur­faces of Planck spheres, which form the vacuum geo­me­try. This means that the flo­wer of life repre­sents the neces­sa­ry and suf­fi­cient sur­face area for the uni­verse to encode all the infor­ma­tion that exists. The flo­wer of life is the invi­sible weft on which the uni­verse encodes this infor­ma­tion to keep it in memory.

Each piece of infor­ma­tion is sto­red at pre­cise and spe­ci­fic spatio-temporal coor­di­nates, which consti­tute its gate­way. As a matrix of the « space-memory » under­lying mat­ter. Matter is crea­ted conti­nuous­ly through it, at increa­sin­gly com­plex levels.




Key points

  • Space-time is a sea of infor­ma­tion pixe­la­ted by tiny entan­gled black holes, which com­mu­ni­cate with each other through wormholes.

  • Information is enco­ded on the struc­ture of space, it is sto­red as it mani­fests itself. It is ins­tant­ly com­mu­ni­ca­ted throu­ghout the universe.

  • The flo­wer of life pat­tern lines the struc­ture of space. It is the invi­sible weft on which the uni­verse encodes infor­ma­tion and keeps it in memory.




Notes and references

[1] The moment of a force in rela­tion to a given point is a phy­si­cal vec­tor quan­ti­ty reflec­ting the abi­li­ty of this force to make a mecha­ni­cal sys­tem rotate around this point. In the case of rota­tion, the kine­tic moment plays a role simi­lar to that of the amount of motion for a trans­la­tion (source : WIKIPEDIA).

[2] The Coriolis force is a fic­ti­tious force acting per­pen­di­cu­lar­ly to the direc­tion of move­ment of a moving body in a frame of refe­rence that is itself in uni­form rota­tion, as seen by an obser­ver sha­ring the same frame of refe­rence (source : WIKIPEDIA).

[3] These units are, as we have just seen, com­po­sed of two torus that can be assi­mi­la­ted as a whole to a sphe­ri­cal shape.

[4] Not only does the pixe­li­za­tion of space-time explain rota­tion, but it also makes it pos­sible to des­cribe quan­tum gra­vi­ty.

[5] To unders­tand how the geo­me­try of the vacuum was found by Nassim Haramein, you can consult the article on The frac­tal and holo­gra­phic uni­verse.

[6] See the article on the holo­gra­phic uni­verse.



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