Everything comes from the experience…

Welcome to my blog !

The infor­ma­tion on these pages is there because I have expe­rien­ced it, or because it reso­nates with my experience.

I invite you to explore articles dedi­ca­ted to conscious­ness, connec­ted uni­verse and phy­sics. It might per­haps change your experience…

NB : The articles offe­red in English are a trans­la­tion of the French articles. English is not my native lan­guage, please be indul­gent with the translation !



The uni­verse becomes aware of itself through us. Each of our thoughts, words and actions engages the uni­verse, from the infi­ni­te­ly small to the infi­ni­te­ly large. 


Where does conscious­ness begin ? Throughout the uni­verse, conscious­ness evolves by feed­back bet­ween the inside and the out­side world. 


Just as the rain­bow exists because of the sun and the rain, our unders­tan­ding of the uni­verse can only come from a science of relationships. 

My story

My sto­ry is that of a stroke that occur­red under very spe­cial cir­cum­stances. The kind of cir­cum­stances that lead you to think that there is no acci­dent, that eve­ry­thing hap­pens for a reason.

I share on this blog the fruit of the research I conduc­ted fol­lo­wing this experience.

Thanks to them, I can say today that what I expe­rien­ced was not irra­tio­nal or magic, but rela­ted to phy­sics, free will and love.

To get a bet­ter idea of what I mean, you can read the article that pre­sents this blog. Or dis­co­ver my sto­ry without fur­ther delay.

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