The conscious experience

The conscious experience

This article is a follow-up to Brain, Science and Consciousness, in which I explore the theme of conscious­ness from a medi­cal pers­pec­tive. In par­ti­cu­lar, I address the dif­ferent fields of conscious­ness, their vibra­to­ry...

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Quantum physics and reality

Quantum physics and reality

In this article, I invite you to dive into the strange rea­li­ty of the infi­ni­te­ly small. I have cho­sen to present quan­tum theo­ry from the point of view of the French phi­lo­so­pher of science Michel Bitbol. There are three rea­sons...

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Is the universe deterministic ? 2/2

Is the universe deterministic ? 2/2

In the first part of this article (see Is the uni­verse deter­mi­nis­tic ? 1/2), we saw that the uni­verse is always deter­mi­ning itself. My pur­pose here is to illus­trate the quan­tum com­mu­ni­ca­tion under­lying this concept through my...

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How do we learn ?

How do we learn ?

                  I don’t know what I don’t know. [1] This is the state of mind in which I car­ry out all the research that contri­butes to the wri­ting of th...

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Duality or complementarity ?

Duality or complementarity ?

In quan­tum phy­sics, wave-particle dua­li­ty means that all phy­si­cal objects seem to have a dual nature, both as waves and par­ticles. This is only obser­vable at the quan­tum level. Light, for example, can be des­cri­bed in terms of wave­l...

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Indeterminism and entanglement

Indeterminism and entanglement

Did you sur­vi­ved the Schrödinger’s cat expe­rience revi­si­ted ? Does the new inter­pre­ta­tion of the wave/particle dua­li­ty no lon­ger hold any secrets for you ? Then you are rea­dy to conti­nue your explo­ra­tion of quan­tum ...

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