Thoughts + emotions = mental

Thoughts + emotions = mental

What is the dif­fe­rence bet­ween emo­tions and fee­lings ? What is thought ? In this article, I pro­pose to dive into the heart of the dyna­mics of men­tal. According to Eckhart Tolle and Jiddu Krishnamurti’s tea­chings, it bases not...

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Act 3 : A stroke under the sign of grace

Act 3 : A stroke under the sign of grace

You can read Act 1 : A storm in my meninges and Act 2 : Nothing impos­sible to the valiant heart before rea­ding this article. This will give you a bet­ter pers­pec­tive on how pre­sence mani­fes­ted itself during the menin­geal he...

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Act 2 : With a valiant heart, nothing is impossible

Act 2 : With a valiant heart, nothing is impossible

This article is a follow-up to Act 1 : A storm in my meninges, in which I tell the sto­ry of how I lived and sur­vi­ved a menin­geal hemor­rhage. Here I give a second level of rea­ding, where men­tal, heart and pr...

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Act 1 : A storm in my meninges

Act 1 : A storm in my meninges

December 19, 2013, 7:30 pm — I’m at the bake­ry, wai­ting my turn to buy a sand­wich. My head seems hea­vy. Maybe it’s because I don’t feel good in this place, it’s crow­ded and it’s hot. Maybe because I’ve had an intense day,...

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My quantum life : why did I wrote this blog ?

My quantum life : why did I wrote this blog ?

The idea of lea­ving a tes­ti­mo­ny of resi­lience to my daugh­ter Lena about what I expe­rien­ced on the night of December 19, 2013 is the ori­gin of this blog. I don’t know how – when she was only 22 months old at the time – she...

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